"The heavens declare the glory of God;
And the firmament shows His handiwork.
Day unto day utters speech,
And night unto night reveals knowledge."
(Psalm 19:1-2)
Recently, I had lunch with our new deacon chairman at church, Tom Collier. We had a great conversation. Tom is a genuinely humble and brilliant follower of Jesus. While working on his PhD in biochemical engineering at the University of TX, he worked for his brother in the architectural industry. He ended up enjoying that kind of work, so he got his degree in architecture as well! Today, he owns a thriving business with offices across the state of TX. He is very intelligent, but he is modest and humble. Tom loves the Word of God, and we had such a good time at lunch speaking truth to each other regarding the Bible verses God brought to our minds. Tom is currently discipling three other men, and they are memorizing Romans 6-8; isn't that great?
Tom and I talked about our biblical text for today's devotion. God shouts to us that He exists simply by the work of His hands. Creation is one of the most convincing arguments for the existence of God. Tom said the more we are learning through scientific discoveries, the more we see how awesome God is. I referenced a book in our conversation that I read a few years back called Darwin's Black Box, written by Michael Behe, professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University. Dr. Behe has an entire section in his book on what happens in the process of coagulation (blood clotting). When you cut your hand, for example, what takes place next in the process of blood clotting is absolutely fascinating. There are all sorts of complex chemical processes and mathematical operations taking place. Chemistry and math cooperating like this in coagulation tells me there is a Chemist and Mathematician who makes these things possible. Of course there is! It's God!
I believe it was Isaac Newton who said a man only has to look at his thumb and know that there is a God. Creation shouts to us that God exists. He reveals Himself in numerous ways, and one of the most convincing is the Universe we inhabit. Either the Universe came into existence because God created it, or it burst into existence from nothing by pure accident. As for mankind, we either were created by God and made in His image, or we are purely a cosmic accident and the by-product of macroevolution... or, as some folks genuinely believe, aliens did it! Francis Crick, discoverer of the RNA macromolecule, posited his "directed panspermia" hypothesis, stating that aliens came to earth billions of years ago and dropped off some cells that evolved into all that we see. (I am not making this up. You can read this in Phillip Johnson's book, Darwin on Trial.)
Will you pause for a moment with me and thank God for His mighty work of creation? Thank Him for His brilliance and creative genius. Humble yourself before the Lord and give Him praise and glory. Our God is the awesome God of creation. He loves us so much that He created us and gave His only Son, Jesus, as the payment for our sins so we could be forgiven and live with Him forever in Heaven if we only repent and believe in Him.