The Unforgiven Christian

The Unforgiven Christian

Yes, it sounds like an oxymoron, I know. I believe Jesus is speaking to
believers when He says if you do not forgive, then God will not forgive you.

The Unforgiven Christian

"For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."

(Matthew 6:14-15)

I came across an interesting article on forgiveness on the Mercy Health website. The author writes very clearly about forgiveness during the Holidays:
Forgiveness is what the holiday season is all about.

Many of us have heard the adage 'Jesus is the reason for the season.' Jesus may have been born on Christmas, but he died for the forgiveness of our sins.

Jesus died on a cross so that we could all experience forgiveness from God. God wants us to live a life of forgiveness, and he gave us that gift through Jesus. By choosing to forgive, we are embracing a gift greater than anything that could be put under the tree this season.

Forgiveness might not always be easy, and it might not always go as planned. The lesson in forgiveness isn't the reaction from the person forgiven, it's the change that takes place in you.

Here are some truths about forgiveness that I pray God uses to truly bless you and empower you both to receive His forgiveness and then extend that same grace to others:

    To call God "Father" means we are His children. To be a child of God is the greatest existence a mere mortal can enjoy. When you and I believe in Jesus and turn from sin, God pardons; there is nothing like it in all the world.

    Lisa TerKeurst writes this about forgiveness: "It's hard to give. It's amazing to get. But when we receive it freely from the Lord and refuse to give it, something heavy starts to form in our souls." She also writes, "I believe with all my heart forgiveness received and given is the very thing that splits this world open with the most stunning revelation of the reality of Jesus, more than almost anything else." (Forgiving What You Can't Forget, pages 7 & 9)

    You cannot give away what you do not possess. But when you receive God's forgiveness, then you have not only the command but also the power to extend forgiveness to those who wrong you. By the way, you will certainly be wronged, mistreated, and sinned against. But what you do after you have been wronged really reveals what you believe to be true about God. If you believe God has forgiven you, then you will embark on the journey of forgiving the one who hurt you.

    Yes, it sounds like an oxymoron, I know. I believe Jesus is speaking to believers when He says if you do not forgive, then God will not forgive you. One New Testament theologian helpfully put it this way: "A Christian's forgiveness is based on realizing he has been forgiven (cf. Eph. 4:32). Personal fellowship with God is in view in these verses (not salvation from sin). One cannot walk in fellowship with God if he refuses to forgive others." (Barbieri, L. A., Jr. (1985). Matthew. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 2, p. 32). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.)
Tomorrow we will close out this week's devotions on forgiveness with some practical steps on how to forgive.

Podcast of the Week

The Greatest Gift

Pastor Danny shares about the greatest gift we can both receive and give: forgiveness. As Christ provided us a way to receive ultimate forgiveness (for all our sins), the Holy Spirit also empowers us to forgive others for their sins against us.
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Matthew Hall