Planted in Forgiveness

Planted in Forgiveness

Oftentimes, when we act out, we are doing so from a place of unresolved
hurt in the past. It often has to do with lingering unforgiveness in our hearts.

Planted in Forgiveness

"And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors."

(Matthew 6:12)

One of my new favorite songs is Sparrows by Cory Asbury. You might remember him as the artist who sings Reckless Love. Here are some of the lyrics to Sparrows:
The sun's not worried about the winter
'Cause soon it will pass.
The light's not thinking about the darkness
Or the shadow it casts.
A heart that's planted in forgiveness
Doesn't dwell in the past.
So why should I be?
'Cause you take good care of me.

You can listen to the song and see all the lyrics here:
Sparrows - Cory Asbury (Lyrics)
Don't you love this line: "A heart that's planted in forgiveness doesn't dwell in the past." A healthy tree, planted firmly with deep roots, is what comes to my mind. When forgiveness is a solid and steadfast reality in our hearts and souls, then we are free: free to love; free to move on; free to not be in chains and bondage to what happened in the past. The past is, well, past! In Jesus Christ we are forgiven, and we extend that same grace of forgiveness to others.

Lysa TerKeurst says that our hysteria is historical. I agree. Oftentimes, when we act out in our hysterical moments, we are doing so from a place of unresolved hurt in the past. It could be that we have not properly resolved some painful moments in our childhood or even adulthood. But more than likely it has to do with some unforgiveness in our hearts. We still have not forgiven those who have hurt us. The temptation, we rationalize, is too great, and we have no choice but not to forgive because of the injustice that was leveled against us.

Perhaps this is why after teaching about forgiveness in the Lord's Prayer, Jesus states in Matthew 6:13:
"And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen."

Friend, Jesus is for you. Ask Him for a miracle. Ask Him to give you a power and strength you do not possess on your own: the ability to forgive. He loves you, and He takes good care of you.

Podcast of the Week

The Greatest Gift

Pastor Danny shares about the greatest gift we can both receive and give: forgiveness. As Christ provided us a way to receive ultimate forgiveness (for all our sins), the Holy Spirit also empowers us to forgive others for their sins against us.
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Matthew Hall