Under Construction

Under Construction

My wife, Ashley, and I are currently building our third home. We have
built homes in Virginia & Arkansas. Now the final one is being built in Texas.

Under Construction

"Unless the LORD builds the house,
They labor in vain who build it;
Unless the Lord guards the city,
The watchman stays awake in vain."

(Psalm 127:1)

My wife, Ashley, and I are currently building our third home. We have built homes in Virginia and Arkansas, and now the final one is being built in Texas. I know there is a lot of stress in building a home, and it can cause much tension in a marriage. Ashley and I, however, have actually enjoyed building each house. When I say we are building a house, of course I am not talking about us doing the actual work or us being the general contractors. We are having the home built, is a better way to state it. There are guys like my friend Matt Worrall who are legitimate home builders, and I have huge respect for people like him.

Here are a couple of pictures of our new home being built in Liberty Hill, TX, in the Santa Rita Ranch community:
The foundation is complete, and the framing is almost done. Before too long (we hope) the sheet rock will be hung, electrical work done, cabinets installed, and a host of other things involved in building a new house. We thank God for our new house and look forward to making it our home.

The psalmist writes about the LORD building the house. What does that mean? He is speaking not of the literal wood and stone but metaphorically. How does God build a house? He cooperates with the inhabitants and promises to bless and prosper those who are loyal to Him and serve Him, just like the man or woman who surrenders to Christ: when they know and serve the Lord, He builds them up and gives them a stable and secure life that withstands the winds of adversity, preparing them for heaven with Him.

Is the LORD building your house?

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Podcast of the Week

Pastor Todd Kaunitz on Seeking God Through Tough Times

Pastor Danny welcomes to the show Pastor Todd Kaunitz who shares what he learned about God and prayer through a season of difficulty and doubt.
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Matthew Hall