Family Goals

Family Goals

One of the best verses in the Bible on marriage is Ephesians 5:33.
The key to marital success and happiness is love and respect.

Family Goals

"Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife
as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband."

(Ephesians 5:33)

Ashley and I are currently taping six episodes in my REvangelical podcast ministry. The series is called "Family Goals," and each episode deals with an issue related to family. We discuss marriage, parenting, overcoming conflict, and we will also have a time where we answer questions given to us on social media. The first episode will come out tomorrow, the day before Valentine's Day. Check out the series and share it with a friend.
This summer, Ashley and I will celebrate 35 years of marriage. I have said many times, and I say it again in the podcast, that Ashley is the best person I have ever known. She is honest, sincere, and the most genuine person. She was barely 20 years old in this photo from our wedding, and I was the ripe old age of 21!
This second photo was taken on our recent trip to the Grand Canyon. After speaking at the "Who's Your One?" conference in Phoenix, AZ, we drove 3.5 hours north to spend a couple of days at the Grand Canyon. We had a wonderful time, and God gave us great opportunities to minister to people along the way.
One of the best verses in the Bible on marriage is Ephesians 5:33. The key to marital success and happiness is love and respect. In fact, Dr. Emmerson Eggerichs has written an entire book on this one verse, and I highly recommend it. It is entitled, Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs.

Guys, are you loving your wife as Jesus loved the Church and gave Himself for her? Do you have any special plans to help your wife feel loved and cherished this Valentine's Day? Ladies, do you honor and respect your husband? Did you get him a card or gift to help him feel valued and appreciated this February 14th?

God bless all you married people! We love you and hope this new podcast series is a blessing and source of encouragement to you.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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Podcast of the Week

Pastor Todd Kaunitz on Seeking God Through Tough Times

Pastor Danny welcomes to the show Pastor Todd Kaunitz who shares what he learned about God and prayer through a season of difficulty and doubt.
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Matthew Hall