Interrupted by Temptation

Interrupted by Temptation

I don't know about you, but I do a much better job with temptation if I have
a moment to process it. But when it hits me abruptly, that is very hard.

Interrupted by Temptation

"No temptation has overtaken you
except such as is common to man;
but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted
beyond what you are able,
but with the temptation will also make the way of escape,
that you may be able to bear it."

(1 Corinthians 10:13)

Driving the highways in Austin, TX can be a little scary these days... actually, very scary! Road rage is a problem all across our nation. People have actually died as a result of someone getting so angry at a fellow traveler that they kill the person who offended them. A few years ago, I was making a hospital visit, and if you know me, it is not uncommon for me to get turned around. Let's just say I am geographically challenged! Anyhow, I pulled in front of this guy totally by accident, and he was not too forgiving. He got right on my bumper, and I had this eerie feeling that this guy meant me much harm. I eluded him on I-35 south by taking an exit at the last moment and he went straight. I think he is still looking for me!

Just a couple of weeks ago, a guy came up behind me, and he was really flying. He laid down on his horn and gave me some sign language, if you know what I mean. This guy was so incredibly angry. That is when the temptation hit me hard. I pushed my foot down on the pedal to follow this guy because I did not appreciate the obscene gesture he gave me. And within two seconds, the Holy Spirit confronted me and said, "You need to chill out!" I let my foot off the gas pedal and took a deep breath.

I don't know about you, but I do a much better job with temptation if I have a moment to process and think about it. But when something hits me abruptly, that is very hard for me. Perhaps it is for you as well. Someone cuts you off in traffic, and you want to send a message with a two-minute honk; or someone says something to you that is unkind, and you want to let her have an earful of what you are thinking; or someone takes a shot at you on social media, and your first reaction is to let him have it!

It is not a sin to be tempted, but it is a sin to respond to the temptation in a sinful way. I am so grateful to God that 1 Corinthians 10:13 is in the Bible. I have committed the verse to memory and encourage you to do the same. There is so much truth in this one verse. Yes, there are times when temptation overtakes you. It comes at you with no warning, and you find yourself tempted to do or say or think something that you should not. But I love the promise Paul gives the follower of Jesus, that no matter what the temptation is, God provides the way of escape. Thank You, Lord!

For every temptation that comes our way, God grants us the escape route. Let us pray for one another, that the next time our serene lives are interrupted by a sudden surge of temptation, that we take a deep breath and not respond in sin.

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Matthew Hall