Good News Worth Celebrating!

Good News Worth Celebrating!

Who doesn't love good news? Everyone enjoys celebrating good news! On the
other hand, when you're ashamed, you do not enthusiastically share the news.

Good News Worth Celebrating!

This week's devotions are written by Daniel VanCleave, Young Adult Pastor at Great Hills Baptist Church.
Who doesn't love good news? Everyone enjoys celebrating good news! The good news of passing a final exam, winning a new car, or beating cancer is exciting! It is exhilarating to see someone passionately share good news and put a smile on the sourest face. Good news has celebratory power that can unite people. Have you heard any good news lately?

If you listen to Dr. Danny Forshee, you will hear good news! He is one proud grandpa and enjoys the company of his granddaughters. It is fun to see him show off their pictures and brag about their latest adventures. Why does he celebrate being a grandpa? Because he is proud of his granddaughters and delighted by their presence. When one takes delight in another, they will celebrate the enjoyment as often as possible. It isn't easy to bring someone down who is up on good news.

On the other hand, when someone is ashamed, they do not enthusiastically share the news. An embarrassing message is spoken of in whispers of trepidation. You see, shame will silence the loudest voice in the room. Paul declared, "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek" (Romans 1:16). The story of Jesus dying on the cross, rising from the grave, and paying the penalty for humanity's sins was good news to Paul. Therefore, he refused to be silenced and actively rang the Gospel bell. Why? Because Paul was proud of the Gospel. Why are all believers not excited about the Gospel of Jesus Christ? If you find it hard to celebrate the good news of Jesus, you need to repent of shame or get saved.

Years ago, I had the privilege of having lunch with George Barna; he challenged me with this statement, "You get what you measure." The things that we measure and celebrate will inevitably flourish. Why? Because we examine and give preferential attention to what we measure, and it remains at the top of our list. It is important to us! Secondly, measuring increases our faith. Faith accompanied with prayer will move God's heart. We will increasingly give more work to that which we measure. Finally, what we measure is sure to produce celebrated rewards. With excitement, we will share the good news.

When was the last time you saw someone give their life to Jesus? I want to challenge you to measure your success in sharing the Gospel. Start journaling the dates that you share the Gospel and the names of those God places in your path. Make a prayer list of the lost who need to be saved. Set measurable goals to share the Gospel and ask God to send people your direction. Watch Him use you in mighty ways as He rewards your labor. Lord, help me to measure what matters to You! May I never be ashamed of the Gospel but speak unreservedly and celebrate the good news. I want to put a smile on Your face as I share the good news about Jesus.

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Pastor Danny gives you God’s answers to life’s big questions in his 7-message series, Explore God.

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Podcast of the Week

Family Goals, Pt. 2: Be Positive

Pastor Danny and his wife, Ashley, continue their "Family Goals" series, discussing in this episode the importance of positivity and lifting each other up.
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Matthew Hall