Faith Trusts in the Absence of Sight

Faith Trusts in the Absence of Sight

In what is the Father calling you to trust Him? What are
you reluctant to offer Him because of a lack of faith?

Faith Trusts in the Absence of Sight

This week's devotions are written by Daniel VanCleave, Young Adult Pastor at Great Hills Baptist Church.
I heard a story about a young son and his father in a city being bombed during World War 2. They hunkered down inside a large building; it seemed to be a secure place to hide. Pelted with bomb-after-bomb, it wasn't long before the structure began to crumble. They ran for their lives, exiting the building just as it collapsed. Roaring planes zipped through the sky as the flashes of bombs illuminated their path. They decided to jump into the safety of an old bomb crater. From the bottom of the dark hole, the father extended his arms upward and called for his son to jump in and join him. Frozen in fear, the boy said, "Father, I cannot see you!" He retorted, "Son, my arms are stretched out, jump; I will catch you!" The boy yelled down, "Dad, I cannot see you!" "But son," the father answered, "I can see you, trust me and jump!" The boy leaped into the dark hole and landed in the safety of his father's arms.

The Scripture reads, "Without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him" (Hebrews 11:6). One cannot please God without demonstrating a trusting confidence in Him; "Faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of Christ" (Romans 10:17). The best way to please God is to trust Him, and the greatest way to hear God is through reading the Scriptures and saturating your heart in His truth. When we do so, our faith increases; then, we can confidently obey, even when we cannot see His outstretched arms. Authentic faith trusts the father in everything, even in the absence of sight. This faith refuses to lean to human understanding (Proverbs 3:5,6). Trusting faith obediently leaps into the ambiguous darkness and falls safely into the Father's arms.

In what is the Father calling you to trust Him? What are you reluctant to offer Him because of a lack of faith? Will you jump into His outstretched arms even when you cannot see them? Lord, please increase my confidence in You as I study the Scriptures daily. Help me to hear and trust You in the nights when the outcomes are dark and grim. May Your Truth guide me as I tune in to Your voice over the roars of the enemy. May I trust You in the absence of sight and human reason! In Jesus name, Amen!

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Pastor Danny gives you God’s answers to life’s big questions in his 7-message series, Explore God.

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Podcast of the Week

Family Goals, Pt. 2: Be Positive

Pastor Danny and his wife, Ashley, continue their "Family Goals" series, discussing in this episode the importance of positivity and lifting each other up.
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Matthew Hall