Be Generous

Be Generous

It is so neat to feel the prompting of the Holy Spirit and bless
another person. It is always a good time to be generous.

Be Generous

"There is one who scatters, yet increases more;
And there is one who withholds more than is right,
But it leads to poverty.
The generous soul will be made rich,
And he who waters will also be watered himself."

(Proverbs 11:24-25)

It seems that I can only go a few days without Mexican food! Ashley and I enjoy eating this culinary favorite of ours at least once a week. Last week, after we left the Grand Canyon, we decided to drive to Sedona, AZ. It is such a unique and cool place. Sedona is a small city nestled within Coconino National Forest with so many beautiful red rocks. It is quite the sight to behold. While driving back to Phoenix to catch our flight back home the next day, our conversation turned to--you guessed it--eating Mexican food!

We drove a couple of hours back to Phoenix and checked in at our hotel. The man who checked us in recommended Mi Patio. We had a wonderful and inexpensive meal at this authentic Mexican restaurant. We split the fajitas and their spicy spinach dip. Wow, that was so good! After dinner, we noticed two men heading out to pay their bill. I thought one of the men had a veteran hat on, so I asked if he was a veteran. His friend told me he was indeed a Vietnam Veteran who had been wounded. Ashley and I had a nice conversation with both men and found out the friend also was a veteran, having served in the Air Force. So, we told them how much we appreciated them, and we bought their dinner. You would have thought we had given them a million dollars. The older man was so appreciative. We shared a Gospel tract with them and our GHBC business cards, and we invited them to tune in online and join us.

Ashley and I have a hard time holding on to cash because we enjoy giving it away. It is so neat to feel the prompting of the Holy Spirit and bless another person. It is always a good time to be generous. We were so blessed by the two veterans at the Mexican restaurant in Phoenix. Their appreciation was so genuine. I am reminded of the words Jesus spoke, quoted by Paul in Acts 20:35: "I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" It's interesting that as Ashley and I drove to Phoenix from Sedona, we listened to Carey Nieuwhof's interview with Dave Ramsey's daughter, Rachel Cruze. She talked about how giving can be more planned or spontaneous. Ashley and I like to do both. We love our church and are blessed to give our tithes and offerings to the ministry of GHBC, but we also love supporting other ministries and spontaneous acts of generosity like we were able to do with the two veterans at Mi Patio in Phoenix.

Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit today and be open to those He brings in your path. You may have the opportunity to share Christ, pray over someone, help someone, bless them financially, or just lend a listening ear. I assure you, as you love and serve others, you will be the receiver of the bigger blessing!

Reboot, refresh, and refocus this year!

Last year was challenging, so we want to help you have a fresh start in 2021 with Pastor Danny’s sermon series Restart. Get your copy when you give today!

Get your copy of Restart

Podcast of the Week

God Has His People Everywhere

Pastor Danny shares about his experiences traveling with his wife, Ashley, this past week to Arizona, both to speak at the "Who's Your One?" conference in Phoenix and to see the Grand Canyon. He shares about how God was able to use them to bless others in encounters on their trip.
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Matthew Hall