

I am grateful for alarms. Whether it is a smoke detector or a car alarm,
if we heed their warnings, they can save our lives. God also sends us alarms.


"And the LORD God of their fathers sent warnings to them by His messengers, rising up early and sending them, because He had compassion on His people and on His dwelling place."

(2 Chronicles 36:15)

Recently, I flew to Columbus, Ohio to speak at a "Who's Your One" evangelism conference. I was up the night before until midnight finishing up a book review for a friend of mine. (That book, by the way, will be the definitive book on evangelism for the next decade. It is Invitation to Evangelism by Dr. Tim Beougher, and it is fantastic!) After I preached, I began the journey back to Austin. I was pretty wiped out but got some good news from American Airlines: they bumped me to first class! I slept for 30 minutes and felt so refreshed. On the next flight, I spoke with a man sitting next to me for most of the 2.5-hour flight. He was so close to receiving Christ. He was very open and receptive but said no to Jesus. I pled with him, but to no avail. He is 69 years old and thinks he has time to get right with God. I am praying that God draws him to Christ and he is born again!

After landing in Austin, I got in my car and headed home. There was much construction, and therefore, there was a traffic jam even at 9:00PM. I came over a hill and looked to my right and saw a police car with its lights on, and then the alarm on my car started beeping at me. When I turned to look straight ahead, a white Ford vehicle was right in front of me. He swerved to the left and I went right, barely avoiding hitting him from behind. God certainly blessed the driver and me. It was a perfect storm for an accident. I had no idea traffic had stopped just over the hill, and were it not for the alarm beeping at me, I would have run right into the back of the person in front of me. I was going around 55 miles an hour, so it would have been an ugly accident.

I am grateful for alarms. Whether it is a smoke detector or a car alarm, if we heed their warnings, they can save our lives. God also sends us alarms. He warns us of imminent danger, and if we are wise, we will take heed and obey Him and avoid disaster. How does God send us alarms? His Word is full of them! In our biblical text for today, we read where God sent warnings or alarms to His people by His messengers. These prophets would warn Israel that God would judge them. Sadly, most of the time, they did not heed the warnings, and it led to their demise.

Is God warning you, sending you alarms? Please take heed of the alarms of God! He warns you because He loves you and has compassion for you. To ignore the alarms and continue down the path that you are on will lead to destruction. It may cost you your marriage, your family, your health; it may even cost you your life. Listen to the warnings of Scripture and obey the Lord. He loves you and does not want to see you get hurt or harm others.

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Podcast of the Week

Readings and Homilies in Romans, Pt. 1

Pastor Danny begins a new series, reading through the book of Romans one chapter at a time and afterwards offering a homily (a brief commentary on the Scripture that was just read). We hope this new series will nourish your soul with the truth of God's Word and help you to focus on it in a new way that you may not have focused on it before!

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Matthew Hall