Go to Heaven Tired

Go to Heaven Tired

Have you heard the phrase "a good tired"? There is a kind of exhaustion where
you have a profound peace in your heart, even though you are very tired.

Go to Heaven Tired

"And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ."

(Colossians 3:23-24)

Have you heard the phrase "a good tired"? Many experience an exhaustion that is not healthy, constantly expending the majority of their efforts on things that lack eternal significance, rather than on the things God wants. But there is a different kind of exhaustion where you have such a profound peace in your heart, even though you are very tired. As a pastor and evangelist, I get it. There is always something to do: a call to make, a question to answer, a sermon to write, a request to read or watch something and give a response, a visit to be made, a prayer to be prayed, and on and on. It is the greatest, most rewarding work, but it can also leave you very weary.

But what a joy and privilege to spend your life in a worthy vocation where you please God and help others in their relationship with God. Some reading this today will quickly point out the dangers of burnout and going so hard for so long that you are no good for anyone. That is a point well taken. For about a year now, I have been practicing a sabbath day. I assure you, it is not Sunday for preachers! It is the most intense and work-filled day of the week. Most pastors I know are up early on Sunday, praying, studying, meeting, interacting, answering questions, and yes, preaching. Preaching one hour on Sunday is like working eight hours on a normal day. I have no greater joy in this life than the preparation and delivery of a message from the Word of God. Charles Spurgeon said, "Preaching is a farce unless the preacher has fire in him; but when that fire is there, it is God's way of bringing souls to himself."

Pastor Jack Graham made the following statement years ago, and it has really stuck with me: "I do not want to burn out, wear out, flame out; I want to max out for the glory of God!" That is how I feel. True, you have to take time off, honor the Sabbath (whichever day you choose; for me it is Saturday), and you have to do good for your soul. Do those things that bless and refresh you and put gas back in your tank. Then, by the power and grace of God, go in Jesus' name and give all you got. Leave it all on the court. When it is all said and done, go to heaven tired and hear Jesus say, "Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord." (Matthew 25:21)

Whatever your vocation, let the words of the Apostle Paul motivate you and spur you on to good works. Do what you do with all you have within you, or as Paul says, do it heartily. Give it your best by pouring your heart and soul into what you do for the glory of Jesus. He will bless you with a wonderful inheritance. I am praying for you that God would bless you with great dunamis (the Greek word for power), and as a result, God will receive much glory from your life of service and ministry for Christ.

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Podcast of the Week

An Interview with the Gaines, Pt. 1

Pastor Danny and his wife, Ashley, welcome to the show their friends Bob and Gayle Gaines. You may know Bob and Gayle as the parents of Chip Gaines, co-host of the hit TV show, Fixer Upper, with his wife, Joanna. Danny and Ashley became good friends with Bob and Gayle in their time at the First Baptist Church of Colleyville, TX, where Danny and Bob co-led a Sunday school class together. In this first part of their interview, the four discuss how Bob and Gayle met the Lord and each other, fell in love, got married, and raised their family. They also share parenting stories and tips. You'll love this great four-way discussion!

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Matthew Hall