Raising Godly Kids in A Messed-Up World, Pt. 5

Raising Godly Kids in A Messed-Up World, Pt. 5

Today we wrap up this week's devotions on raising godly kids in a messed-up
world. We conclude our "Top Ten Tips" on parenting with the remaining six.

Raising Godly Kids in A Messed-Up World, Pt. 5

"And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart.
You shall teach them diligently to your children,
and shall talk of them when you sit in your house,
when you walk by the way, when you lie down,
and when you rise up."

(Deuteronomy 6:6-7)

Today we will wrap up this week's devotions on raising godly kids in a messed-up world. I hope these devotions have been a blessing and help to all you moms and dads and even grandparents. Today, we will conclude our "Top Ten Tips" on parenting by looking at the remaining six. (For the first four, see yesterday's devotion.)
  1. Parent each child differently. Of course, there will be some similarities in your parenting with all your kids, but each one is so very different, and what works for one may not work for the other. They may look alike, they may sound alike, they may even have similar qualities, but mark it down: every one of your children is different and unique, and that is so cool.
  2. Discipline your children with consistency. Discipline is very much needed. Your child in particular and society at large suffer when you do not discipline your kids. To spank or not to spank is a good question. Ashley and I did spank; she had a spanking spoon that worked pretty well. But there are other effective ways as well, such as time outs, alone time in their rooms, and taking away cherished privileges. The key is consistency.
  3. Kids spell "love" this way: "T-I-M-E". You just have to show up. Growing up, I played lots of football and basketball, but our kids--all three of them--took to tennis. I was like, "Tennis? Really?" I can't tell you how many tennis matches I attended... and you know what? I would not trade them for anything. We had some wonderful moments traveling and just being together, and I also have picked up a real enjoyment for the sport.
  4. Make birthdays and holidays like Christmas a big deal, because they ARE a big deal! Every Christmas morning, I read the narrative of Christ's birth from Luke 2. Then, we open presents, and I must say, a lot of presents! That is just how we roll. We enjoy blessing our kids with gifts. Some are not expensive at all, but it is the thought that counts. This past Christmas, Ashley had this crazy idea, and I went along with it, and we had a fun time. Ask her about how she and I played Pat and Vanna from Wheel of Fortune. :)
  5. No matter their age, your kids still need your love and support. The stages of life move quickly when you look back, even if sometimes they feel like forever in the moment. For example, "the Terrible Twos" are legit, and teens can pretty much make you pull your hair out. But this too shall pass. Every phase of life, your kids still need you. They love you and value your input because you treat them with love and respect.
  6. Give yourself some grace. Parenting is hard work. There are no manuals with a newborn. You have to figure it out. Of course, you have biblical principles that help and family and friends you can lean on, so please give yourself some grace and patience. One thing I would recommend for parents is, take time for you and your spouse. Get a trusted babysitter and go to dinner. Of course, you will talk about your children a lot, but that is okay; get out of the house. When Ashley was a stay-at-home mom, I would keep our kids and she would go to the mall, go get a Diet Coke, and just chill. She would come back refreshed, and I would be worn out!
These are ten useful principles of parenting we can offer to you. Hopefully there are some helpful hints that encourage and strengthen you as you stay on this journey called parenthood. I am praying for every mom and dad who reads this devotional. I ask God to give you grace and strength and make you the best parent you can possibly be.

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Matthew Hall