Hide God's Word in Your Heart

Hide God's Word in Your Heart

The Bible is a treasure, a blessed gift from God. It is such an honor to
read it, memorize it, and best of all, by God's power, live what it teaches.

Hide God's Word in Your Heart

Psalm 119:11 states:

"Your word I have hidden in my heart,
That I might not sin against You."

A friend shared with me last week how God has led her to a gym where it appears that she is the only believer. She attends a Crossfit class that meets early in the mornings. She said there is a young lady who has been short with her, and my friend said she has had to hold her tongue and not retaliate. After this young lady said something snide again, my friend said she chose not to reply. And sure enough, later that afternoon, this young lady texted my friend and asked where she goes to church. She has been wanting to get back in church and would like to go where my friend goes! Isn't that cool? You never know how God can use us. We must be patient and let Him have His way in our lives. I am so glad my friend did not give this young lady a piece of her mind!

I recently read in Proverbs a verse similar to Psalm 119:11. Proverbs 22:17-19 states:
"Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise,
And apply your heart to my knowledge;
For it is a pleasant thing if you keep them within you;
Let them all be fixed upon your lips,
So that your trust may be in the LORD;
I have instructed you today, even you."

The Bible is a treasure, a blessed gift from God to us. It is such an honor to read it, memorize it, and best of all, by God's power, live what it teaches. Psalm 119:105 states, "Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path."

Let me encourage you to hide God's Word in your heart. When you are tempted to say, think, or do something not pleasing to God, please refrain, pray, and quote the Word of God that you have already hidden in your heart. This is much better than getting angry and saying or doing something that you will most surely regret.

I am praying for you that God would empower you to always do the right thing. You just never know who is watching you!

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Podcast of the Week

Readings and Homilies in Romans, Pt. 16

Pastor Danny continues his series reading through the book of Romans one chapter at a time and afterwards offering a homily. In this episode, he reads and comments on Romans Chapter 16.

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Chris Williams