Here Am I, Send Me (Pt. 3)

Here Am I, Send Me (Pt. 3)

Today, you may only have a few brief moments to encourage or
witness to someone. The Lord is asking you if He can count on you.

Here Am I, Send Me (Pt. 3)

"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send?
And who will go for us?' And I said, 'Here am I. Send me!'"

(Isaiah 6:8)

I am happy to share that my eye surgery went great! I have a brand-new lens on my left eye, and it is working well. Dr. Ming Wang in Nashville, TN recommended to me eye surgeon Dr. Steve Dell. Dr. Dell, brother to Michael Dell of Dell Computers, is one of the top eye surgeons in the USA. I am adjusting to the new lens, and I do thank you for praying for me.

After surgery, I was pretty much wiped out for the remainder of the day. It was hard not to attend our weekly prayer meeting at church that Wednesday evening, but it is hard to pray when you just had surgery and are trying to wake up! The next day I had a postoperative follow-up visit. Ashley drove me to the appointment, and the doctor told me everything looked perfect. That was good news to my ears. The visit was quick. The doctor left the room. I felt the Lord wanted me to reach out to this optometrist, and so I did. I walked up to him in the hall and invited him to our church. And you know what? He was very receptive!

I love it when I can have extended time with people and listen to their stories and then share the greatest story of all, the story of Jesus! I am reminded of George Whitefield's admonition to believers when he said he would not go 15 minutes in a conversation without bringing up the Gospel. But I understand when we do not have 15 minutes; we may have 5 minutes, if that. But God can use you in profound ways in those few minutes. If we are willing and obedient, according to Isaiah 1:19, then we will eat the good of the land.

Today, you may only have a few brief moments to encourage or witness to someone. The Lord is asking you if He can count on you. He is asking you if He can send you to minister to the person standing in front of you. Do what Isaiah did and say, "Here am I. Send me!" You will not regret being willing and then obedient to the assignment God gives to you. In fact, you will be blessed as you are a blessing to the one you serve.

Are you ready? Today is the day. God has people ready for us to encourage and point to Jesus. Let's do it!

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Podcast of the Week

REvangelical Rewind:
John Burke on NDEs & the Afterlife

Pastor Danny welcomes to the show Pastor John Burke of Austin's Gateway Church & author of "What's After Life?" & "Imagine Heaven". They discuss near-death experiences, heaven, hell, & how we should live our lives in light of our knowledge of the afterlife.

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Chris Williams