Here Am I, Send Me (Pt. 1)

Here Am I, Send Me (Pt. 1)

Whenever I travel, I pray this prayer: "Lord, place me beside the person You
want me beside. If they do not know you, help me share You with them."

Here Am I, Send Me (Pt. 1)

"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send?
And who will go for us?' And I said, 'Here am I. Send me!'"

(Isaiah 6:8)

Today, I am speaking in Birmingham, Alabama, at the "Who's Your One?" evangelism conference. It is an honor to share a message with those who are seeking ways to be better prepared to share Jesus with others. It is a calling and passion of mine to come alongside fellow followers of Jesus and offer words of encouragement and motivation to obey Jesus' clear commandment for all His people to go and make disciples.

Whenever I travel, I pray the following prayer: "Lord, place me beside the person You want me to sit beside. If he or she knows you, then allow us to have good fellowship. If they do not know you, help me share You with them." That is a prayer God seems to enjoy answering for me! There are times when I fall asleep and do not share. It is true. My spirit is willing, but my ol' flesh is weak, and I sometimes get very tired and fall asleep on flights. There are other times when the person I am seated next to has no interest in conversation and it is rather obvious about it. Have you ever tried to converse with another person, and they are just not having it? It happens.

Then there are times when you can speak to another person and either fellowship with them in the Lord or share the Gospel of Jesus with them. Those conversations are so much fun! God has people prepared for you and me to simply engage with and encourage in the Lord. Try doing this today: pray to God and ask Him to show you the way. Ask Him to lead you to someone who is a believer who needs encouragement or to a non-believer who needs to hear about Jesus. Get ready. When we do as Isaiah did in Isaiah 6 and make ourselves available for God to use, then use us He will!

God desires for you and me to simply be available to Him today. He is much more concerned about our availability than He is about our ability. As Charles Spurgeon would say, "God hits straight licks with crooked sticks." He uses us in our brokenness and in our humility.

Are you willing to be used by God today? If so, pray this with me:

"Lord, here I am, Your servant. Put at least one man or woman in my path today whom I can either encourage in their walk with You or with whom I can share how to begin a relationship with You. Help me, Lord, to be obedient to You when You answer my prayer and open the door."

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Podcast of the Week

REvangelical Rewind:
John Burke on NDEs & the Afterlife

Pastor Danny welcomes to the show Pastor John Burke of Austin's Gateway Church & author of "What's After Life?" & "Imagine Heaven". They discuss near-death experiences, heaven, hell, & how we should live our lives in light of our knowledge of the afterlife.

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Chris Williams