Approved at a Cost

Approved at a Cost

When you think about the price of Jesus' blood on the cross, how does it make you feel?

Approved at a Cost

This week's devotions are written by my son, Bryant Forshee, Lead Student Pastor for Cross Church, Springdale, AR campus.
- Pastor Danny
"...without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness."

(Hebrews 9:22b, CSB)

In the summer of 2022, I began training for something that I thought I could never do: run a marathon. This training consisted of running three times a week. Two of these were "maintenance runs" and the other was a long run on the weekend. Now, I am NOT a runner; let me repeat this statement for emphasis: I AM NOT A RUNNER... but I set out on my training regiment nonetheless, and it was LONG! I ran in the heat, I ran in the cold (I was training in Texas so "cold" is a loose term for us Texans), I ran in the rain, I ran inside, I ran on the road, I ran on sidewalks, I woke up early to run, I ran on lunch breaks, I ran at nighttime... in case you haven't picked up on it: I ran A LOT.

This amount of running begs a question: why? My reason for all of this running was simple: I wanted to run a marathon with my Dad. In case you did not know, my dad is a runner. He has run marathons and triathlons and even completed an IronMan. My only goal in all this running and for the marathon that we were going to run was simple: finish within eyesight of my dad! When race day arrived, I REALLY struggled in miles 18-22, but after many hours, I crossed the finish line with my dad (and another one of our running buddies), and my goal was accomplished. I learned something very valuable that day: people will go through a lot of pain for a cause they see as worth it!

When we talk about being approved by God through a relationship with Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ is the one who is emphasized. He is emphasized because He is the one who purchased our approval from God and gave it to us! How did he do this? He went through a lot of pain for a cause He saw to be worth it! Here is what Jesus endured in order to give mankind the opportunity to be approved by God:
  • He was blindfolded, mocked, and beaten (Luke 22:63-64).
  • He was further treated poorly and mocked by guards (Luke 23:10-11).
  • He was flogged (Mark 15:15).
  • He was given a crown of thorns (Mark 15:17).
  • He was crucified (Mark 15:24).
  • The sins of the world were laid on Him (Isaiah 53:6, Mark 15:33-37).
A marathon might sound bad, but it is nothing compared to the excruciating pain that Jesus went through for mankind to have the opportunity to be approved by God. Jesus endured all of this because sin had a price to be paid, and "without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness" (Hebrews 9:22). Jesus had to shed His blood for us to be forgiven.

When you think about the price of Jesus' blood on the cross, how does it make you feel? I know for me, when I think about the blood of Christ, I am overcome with gratitude and immediately humbled. I am grateful that Jesus would choose to give up His life so that I could have everlasting and eternal life. I am immediately humbled because I know that Jesus did not have to give up His life and that I am not deserving of a sacrifice like that, of a love like that.

As you go throughout your day today, think about the cost of approval, and allow your heart and mind to be thankful and humbled by the truth that Jesus loved you enough to die on the cross for you!
Image credit: Kevin Carden Art (Instagram). Used with permission.
Please check him out! He creates amazing Christian artwork!
...and you can buy his prints and other items here.

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Opportunities Abound

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Chris Williams