God allowed Brandon and I the opportunity to share the Gospel with Kelly who worked at the hotel. As she welcomed us and gave me my room keys, we started speaking to her about Jesus. She opened up and told us about her life. After I got checked into the hotel room, I had a little time before going to the church, so I decided to go work out at the gym for 45 minutes. As I was pedaling away on the elliptical machine, I felt the Lord impress me to go back and talk to Kelly some more. I did, and praise God, she prayed to receive Jesus right there behind her desk!
Not every evangelistic encounter ends this way, but what a joy it is to see someone pray and accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord.
On the way home the next day, I sat beside a young lady who described herself as a hippie. I presented the Gospel to her using the bridge analogy, which I always enjoy using. God is on one side of the mountain and mankind on the other. There is a great gulf or chasm between the two, and Jesus is the only one who can bridge the gap. He died and arose from the dead, paying our penalty for sin. All we must do is repent, turn to Him in faith, and confess Him as Lord (see John 3:16, Romans 5:8 & 10:9, and 1 Peter 3:18). I shared with her that I love the Lord and people, and my mission on earth is to help bring people to God who loves us and created us all in His image. She politely said she was not ready to make that commitment. I gave her my business card and said if I could ever help, please let me know.
In Mark 16:15, we read where Jesus said we are to go. We are given our marching orders by King Jesus, and we must obey and get the Good News out to as many people as we can. It is Good News, however, only if they hear it in time. So, child of God and follower of Jesus, let's go!