Seek and Set, Pt. 1

Seek and Set, Pt. 1

Are you persistently seeking after Jesus and "the things above" every day?

Seek and Set, Pt. 1

This week's devotions are written by my son, Bryant Forshee, Lead Student Pastor for Cross Church, Springdale, AR campus.
- Pastor Danny
"So if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."

(Colossians 3:1-2, CSB)

Growing up, I remember a pretty frustrating "book" I would always look through. The quotation marks are there because I am talking about Where's Waldo?, which is not a typical book, since it's not for reading. Honestly, I don't even know if that is what it is called, but in my mind, that is the only name of the book. If you are unfamiliar with Waldo, he is a peculiar man in a red and white striped shirt, blue pants, a red and white beanie, and glasses. The book is all about looking at random, ultra-detailed artwork and trying to find Waldo somewhere in each scene. It is the book version of trying to find a needle in a haystack. So, on every page you turn, you have one objective: seek after Waldo and find him!

Where's Waldo? is a decent parallel to the usage of the word "seek" in Colossians 3:1. Paul is commanding the follower of Jesus, the one who has "been raised with Christ," to "seek the things above." Now, the word "seek" is an imperative in the original language, meaning that this is a command for us as followers of Jesus to seek the things above. The word "seek" carries the idea of physically seeking with our eyes. It is the idea of us going through our life physically searching for and pursuing "the things above." But what are the things above?

An easy answer is, this is not so much about a list of things as it is about a person, none other than Jesus Christ! When we seek after Jesus, we will find a perfect, loving God who will guide us in all actions, words, and thoughts throughout our day. The cool thing about the word "seek" is that it is a command, but to get even more "Greeky" on you, it is in the present imperative. This means we are to seek after Jesus/the things above and keep on seeking the things above/Jesus. So, with this command to seek after Jesus as his follower, to physically be seeking after Jesus all throughout your day, how are you doing?

How are you daily, hourly, minutely, and secondly seeking after Jesus? Now, this is a tricky thing to do. Still, I believe that if we adopted the attitude of persistently seeking after Jesus all throughout every day, as much as we would seek after Waldo on a silly page for entertainment, then our perspective would change, our attitude would change, our words would change, and our actions would change, all because we are having an "above" attitude, or better yet, a Jesus attitude.

So today, SEEK Jesus, and watch how He changes your day.

Tip: If you want to follow Jesus, reading His word is a primary part of that. I encourage you to read Colossians 1:15-23, which talks about Jesus' supremacy and how amazing He is! As you follow Him and read His word, your love for Him will grow!

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Podcast of the Week

Content in Christ, Pt. 1

God has really spoken to me through Philippians 4:8-13 and used it to challenge me. Contentment is a rare Christian gem and provides a wonderful blessing and freedom for all who possess it. Contentment is the topic of today's episode, as well as the next one. Let's dig into this topic of contentment in light of Philippians 4:8-13 as well as other passages of Scripture.

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Chris Williams