By Design, Pt. 4

By Design, Pt. 4

Mankind is superior to the rest of creation and was assigned by God dominion over the earth. This is a great privilege and responsibility.

By Design, Pt. 4

"Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man."

(Genesis 2:22)

After God crafted this amazing person, He brought her to the man. Why does the Bible say that? It is the formation of the first couple, whereby they will enjoy this match made in heaven. They will complete and complement one another, but there is another purpose: Genesis 2:24 says they will be joined together and become one flesh. This is such a beautiful and powerful unfolding of God's plan for mankind. He did not bring another man to Adam but a woman, and for one clear and obvious reason: procreation.

In Genesis 1:28, we read that God created the male, Adam, and the female, Eve. This husband-and-wife team were to have great fellowship with each other, complement one another, have a spiritual connection as they help one another obey God, and be the best of companions. This was all God's great design. But to stop here is to miss out on one of the clear and obvious reasons God created mankind, and that is for the purpose of procreation, having children.

In order for them to obey this command, they had to come together in sexual union, obviously, just like the animals would have to come together as male and female in order to procreate. Why is that so? It is just the way it is! God made it that way. Two stallions cannot make another horse; two female lionesses will not make another lion; all mammal species must have a male and a female to be fruitful and multiply.

One writer expounds upon God's command to the human race in the following manner:
"There is no place in God's good order for unisexuality or for any diminishing or confusion of sexual identity. Human sexuality in Genesis is a blessed function in the creative purposes of God, and it is essential for carrying out God's mandate for humanity (cf. 9:1, 7). . . . Human procreation is not intended merely as a mechanism for replication or the expression of human passion but is instrumental in experiencing covenant blessing. The union of man and woman as husband and wife is an inclusive oneness (see 2:18, 23–24 discussion). Human life, unlike the lower orders, is not instructed specifically to reproduce 'after its kind.' This omission elevates the sexual experience and goal of the human family as distinctive. The text's silence also infers that mankind is only of one kind. Since humanity is of one sort, the unity of the human race is prominently noted and, concomitantly, dismisses any notion that certain peoples are inherently superior or inferior."
(Source: Mathews, K. A. (1996). Vol. 1A: Genesis 1-11:26. The New American Commentary (173–174). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.)

Mankind is superior and has the God-given assignment of dominion over the earth. This is a great privilege and responsibility. Mankind is to serve as caretakers of the earth (see Genesis 2:15). Psalm 115:16 says God gave the earth to man. Have you ever thought to just thank God for the fact He made you a human being and not an animal or a plant or a star or an asteroid! Our sovereign creator God made you just the way He wanted you to be made; you are unique, there is no one in the world just like you. You are His masterpiece. He loves you.

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Life Principles: #26: Adversity: a Bridge, Not a Burden, Pt. 2

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Chris Williams