"For Jesus has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses—as much more glory as the builder of a house has more honor than the house itself."
(Hebrews 3:3)
Moses is an incredibly important character in the Bible. Moses lived a real and extraordinary life in which He was used by God to do many amazing things. He is one of the most important people in the Old Testament, and so much of the Jewish faith and now our faith as well is built upon the stories we read about Moses. Yet Moses is not the foundation of our faith. Jesus is. As important as Moses is, he is a mere shadow meant to point us toward our Messiah Jesus.
In Hebrews, the author honors Moses and describes him as having been faithful over God's house as a servant. However, Moses is contrasted to Jesus who is faithful over God's house as a Son. Read it for yourself: here is Hebrews 3:4-6: "(For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.) Now Moses was faithful in all God's house as a servant, to testify to the things that were to be spoken later, but Christ is faithful over God's house as a son. And we are his house, if indeed we hold fast our confidence and our boasting in our hope."
In this passage, "God's house" refers to the collective community of believers. Moses was a faithful servant for Israel, God's people. He cared for "God's house" and led them out of slavery and through the wilderness. Jesus, however, is the creator of God's house. Jesus also established the Church in the New Testament who is "God's house" today. Therefore, though Moses was a faithful servant, He is incomparable to God's Son who created and redeemed God's house Himself.
A big way that Moses points us toward Jesus is in the role of "deliverer". Moses was used by God to deliver the nation of Israel out of Egypt. Moses heard from God and was sent by Him to boldly stand before Pharaoh and advocate for the Hebrew people in their slavery. Under Moses' leadership, the Hebrews were indeed delivered out of the hand of Pharaoh. Though of course we know that God is truly the one delivering the people, it is Moses who is looked to as the leader who led them into their freedom. This points us to a much greater deliverance. Jesus, the true and better Moses, delivered us out of the grip of sin. We were slaves to sin, but Jesus freed us from its power. Moses, while not always obedient to the Lord, led Israel towards the promised land. Jesus, however, while being perfect in carrying out God's will, leads us to a place far better than a land flowing with milk and honey; Jesus leads us into an eternity where all things are perfect, restored, and redeemed.
So, how is Jesus greater than Moses?
Moses received the law. Jesus fulfilled the law.
Moses was used by God to deliver Israel from Egypt. Jesus delivered us from sin and death.
Moses was a shepherd and led Israel towards the Promised Land. Jesus is the Good Shepherd who leads us into eternal life through His salvation.
Let us rejoice in Jesus who created us and delivers us from a bondage we could never break on our own.