Victim or Victor? (Pt. 5)

Victim or Victor? (Pt. 5)

God is working out His plan for your good. If it is not yet good, that means He is not yet finished.

Victim or Victor? (Pt. 5)

"But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive."

(Genesis 50:20)

There are many examples in the Bible where God's people suffer, but instead of allowing it to destroy them (being victims), they used the hardship to become great men and women of God (being victors). I think of King David and how he fled from King Saul for ten years. Esther faced the possible extinction of her people by an evil man named Haman. The disciples of Jesus faced much persecution, and all died as martyrs. But the example of Joseph is the one I think of most. His brothers betrayed and sold him into slavery. He was falsely accused by Potiphar's wife and thrown in prison. He did what was right and interpreted dreams, but the butler forgot Joseph, and so he languished longer in prison.

Pastor Stanley asked how God could be in this teenager's life. But as you continue to read his life story, you soon realize how much God was in control of his life and the circumstances he encountered. From the age of 17 until 30, Joseph's life consisted of one painful experience after another. But in a brief period of time, everything changed. He interpreted Pharaoh's dream and was promoted to Prime Minister of Egypt. God prepared and then promoted Joseph and used him to save civilization and his family from starvation. God did not cause the bad, but He was in it and used it because He is God and in control. Genesis 50:20 answers the question, "Where was God?" He was in it, all of it.

Pastor Stanley gave some rewarding truths and blessings regarding the sovereignty of God:

1. We live in greater trust; we know He is the source of all our good things.

2. We can have a far greater victory over worry. God takes care of the animals and plants, so we know He will take care of us, His people!

3. It makes us more grateful for the good things that God has given to us.

4. We will have greater patience in times of adversity. If God is in control, we know there is an end. The pain does not last forever. He will be with us and never leave or forsake us. Only God can make that promise. But we must see Him in it, no matter what. Stanley shared a personal story about when he was hurt by the church. He felt that the Lord told him, "Do what I tell you to do, and you will come out of it victoriously; no matter what they say or do to you, you must see it coming from me." They could not do it unless God let them. This kept him from being hostile or angry.

5. We will have greater anticipation of God working in our lives. He is in control and doing things we do not know. Look forward to Him working in your life. Whatever God sends or allows, He has something in mind. He will do something fantastic.

I do not know what you are currently going through, but the Lord does. He loves you and is working out His plan for your good. If it is not yet good, that means He is not yet through with it. Hang in there. The Lord has a plan.

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Podcast of the Week

Life Principles: #17: Standing Tall & Strong Through Prayer

Pastor Danny continues his series exploring his favorites of Dr. Charles Stanley's Life Principles. Today he dives into Principle #17: Standing Tall & Strong Through Prayer.

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Chris Williams