Fighting on Your Knees, Pt. 4

Fighting on Your Knees, Pt. 4

We get the clearest view when we pray. God speaks to those who are listening to Him. He also changes our focus & attitude, giving us hope & confidence.

Fighting on Your Knees, Pt. 4

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

(Philippians 4:6-7)

This week we are probing deeper into the wonderful Christian discipline of prayer, or as Dr. Charles Stanley called it, fighting on our knees. He preached on some principles of prayer with this one being the first: Prayer is the biblical pattern we must follow. Second, Stanley said when we pray, we engage the Sovereign of the universe and bring Him into our battle. He is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. God knows all the facts and what you should or should not do. He has the power to orchestrate what you need to happen. Apart from God, we have no power. When we fight on our knees, God is willing to engage and see us through.

Third, Stanley said that when we pray, God sends the Holy Spirit because we need power. The Spirit of God comes to live within us when we trust Christ. He indwells, seals us, and begins His work in us. What is His work? He gives us God's viewpoint, not ours. He gives us discernment, what and when to speak and when to be quiet. Oftentimes, the way you fight is with silence; it is powerful; it is not being a coward. I thought of Exodus 14:14: "The LORD will fight for you, while you keep silent." (NASB) He tells us what to say and to whom. We are talking about talking to God! We get the greatest amount of confidence and assurance when we pray. Have you ever prayed and got discouraged? No. He lifts us up, and we see from His perspective. We can win every battle every time when we fight on our knees.

Fourth, we get the clearest view when we pray. God speaks to those who are listening to His voice. Some things you cannot escape; you have to battle on your knees. God will be with you. He gives you the power and clarity that you need.

Fifth, Stanley said that when we get alone with God in prayer, our focus changes. In prayer it is just you and God. You don't blame other people, you pray. When it is just you and God, your attitude changes, and you have confidence, hope, and courage. You become faithful and loyal to Him. No matter what happens, you will be blessed. Our focus is often on the enemy or the problem, and that is not the way to win the battle; we need to pull away from that and focus on God. He loves us. God is on our side if we are on our knees and listening to Him. He is not on the side of the one who is filled with animosity, bitterness, and criticism. He is not on that side but on the side of the one who prays and listens. He does not act on behalf of the one who has a bad, sinful attitude. We see as He sees, and God does things we could not do. We have engaged Almighty God; He always operates on behalf of those who are willing to trust and obey Him no matter what. When we focus on Him and pray, that prevents us from being dragged off to where we do not need to be. Your silence ticks off the enemy.

Stanley gave the example of a person who verbally let him have it. This person was harsh and critical, and Stanley simply responded by saying, "Anything else? Thank you for sharing with me." When you have spent time in prayer, you protect your testimony; you do not fight or fuss or defend yourself quickly. It is not you versus them; when God engages in your battle, it is His battle!

Lay it before God in prayer, and ask for His help. God will get into it with you. Philippians 4:6-7 is awesome: don't worry, pray with thanksgiving, and then enjoy God's peace.

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Podcast of the Week

Life Principles: #7: The Dark Moments in Life, Pt. 2

Pastor Danny wraps up his discussion of Dr. Charles Stanley's 7th Life Principle: The Dark Moments in Life.

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Chris Williams