"Look What You've Done"

"Look What You've Done"

I know for me that in hard times or stale times in life, it is always so helpful to reflect on what God has done in the past.

"Look What You've Done"

This week's devotions are written by my son, Bryant Forshee, Lead Student Pastor for Cross Church, Springdale, AR campus, and former Junior High Pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX.
- Pastor Danny
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.
I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."

(John 10:10, CSB)

"Look What You've Done" by Tasha Layton is a song that is on repeat for me right now! It is a beautiful song reflecting on what God has done for us in our lives. Here are some of the lyrics that stick out to me:
The lies I believed
They got some roots that run deep
I let em take a hold of my life
I let em take control of my life

Standing in Your presence, Lord
I can feel You diggin' all the roots up
I feel Ya healin' all my wounds up
All I can say is Hallelujah

The first verse talks about the lies that Satan can tell us and how sometimes we believe them and let them take root in our lives. This reminds me of John 10:10, where Jesus talks about Satan. Then the next stanza talks about how God comes in and so beautifully gives life, and life abundantly!

Another set of lyrics that I love is the bridge:
On a cross, in a grave
With a stone, rolled away
All my debt, it was paid
Look what You've done

I know for me that in hard times or stale times in life, it is always so helpful to reflect on what God has done in the past. When I reflect on what He has done in the past, it helps reassure me that He is working now and will continue to work in my life until He calls me home to Him. So if you are in a tough time, a stale time, or a great time, don't forget the powerful, worshipful moments that reflecting on what God has done for you can bring about in your life, and as you do this, like the song says, perhaps "all [you] can say is Hallelujah."

This is what we need to reflect on every day: how God has transformed everything through His radical grace through what Jesus did for us on the cross. This is why we can have a relationship with God, because of what He has done for us! May this song be an encouragement to you to reflect on all that God has done in your life!

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Podcast of the Week

A Wonderful Journey, Pt. 3

Pastor Danny shares more about his recent trip retracing the Apostle Paul's second missionary journey.

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