A Singular Calling

A Singular Calling

Callings, appointments, jobs, roles, & opportunities come & go. But how beautiful it is to hone in on a singular thread that supersedes all others...

A Singular Calling

This week's devotions are written by my friend Jessica Hermann, former director of our college ministry at Great Hills Baptist Church.
- Pastor Danny
"But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the Gospel of the grace of God."

(Acts‬ 20‬:24)

Years ago, I had to select a verse to go on the back of a T-shirt that I wore while working with teenagers at Christian camps. The Lord led me to select this verse, and it has served as a steady guidepost for me ever since. No matter what life leads me to, no matter where God has me in a given season, no matter what is on my to-do list or what is expected of me, I can always go back to this calling and this focus of purpose. What a powerful proclamation from Paul! What focus on the things of God! I think what I see most in this verse from Paul is a resolve to be fully committed to the calling of God, and we know that this is from the Holy Spirit working in his life.

Life is complicated with many twists and turns, but a focus like this helps me to simplify my purpose. So many people talk about callings in life. I absolutely believe that God calls people to various things in various seasons, but in Scripture, the focus of calling is on the central calling of Christ: "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men." (Matthew 4:19) When I moved to Germany and married a man who serves in full-time ministry, I could no longer serve in full-time ministry myself, at least not in this season. But what happened to my "calling"? The calling to serve in full-time university ministry ended, at least for right now. But the calling to follow Jesus remains. The calling to be a fisher of men remains. The calling, as Paul puts it in Acts 20:24, "to testify to the Gospel of the grace of God" remains.

Seasons come and go. Perhaps you have gone from working full-time outside the home to being home with your children. Perhaps your passions have changed or evolved. Callings, appointments, jobs, roles, and opportunities come and go. But what a beautiful simplification it is to us to hone in on a singular thread that supersedes all others: share the Gospel. Make much of Jesus!

I am also deeply challenged by Paul's expression of humility and selflessness in this verse. He says, "I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself." Now, it is worth noting that Jesus says that each of us are of supreme value—enough that He would die for us! It is not that Paul is saying that he is completely without worth. This would be to disagree with God about what He says about you. But Paul says that he doesn't hold his life in his own hands. He does not value his own life over another's. It is as if he is saying, "It's not about me! I'm not seeking the easy road for myself. Sharing the Gospel with others is more important than my own safety or desires. It's all about Jesus. It doesn't matter if I die in the process. I will tell others about Jesus. That is eternal. My life on Earth is temporary. I just want to make much of Jesus!"

There truly is no freedom from worries and everyday anxieties like the freedom that comes from taking the focus off of yourself and looking toward others. This verse reminds me to do just that. It's not about me or my accomplishments or my safety or comfort. It's about giving up these things for the sake of others, just as our Savior "emptied Himself by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men." (Philippians 2:7) In an age of self-care, many people constantly turn the focus upon themselves time and time again and then find themselves just as stressed and burdened. I'm not against taking care of yourself, but I see a rhythm in the Scriptures of giving more than taking. This kind of selflessness reflects our Savior and sets us free from the trap of self-focus.

In various seasons of my life, I've had this verse posted next to my door that I would see it right as I leave for the day each morning. It always causes me to take a deep breath and remind myself through the Word of God that whatever comes this day, I just want to testify to the Gospel of grace. Would you do this today? I want to invite you to choose a piece of Scripture that provides a potent reminder to you that you need in this season of life. Write it or print it on a card and tape it next to your door at eye-level so that you will see it each day when you leave your room or home. Take a brief moment to pray that verse each morning and center your day around the Word of God before you even step out! Perhaps you'll choose Acts 20:24 and remind yourself each morning of this simple calling: testify to the Gospel!

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Podcast of the Week

Life Priniples: #6: Sowing and Reaping, Pt. 2

Pastor Danny wraps up his discussion of Dr. Charles Stanley's 6th Life Principle: Sowing and Reaping.

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Chris Williams