Thankful Hearts

Thankful Hearts

In your own life, how much are you thankful for? We all have so much, especially as followers of Jesus.

Thankful Hearts

This week's devotions are written by my son, Bryant Forshee, Lead Student Pastor for Cross Church, Springdale, AR campus, and former Junior High Pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX.
- Pastor Danny
"Riches and honor come from you, and you are the ruler of everything. Power and might are in your hand, and it is in your hand to make great and to give strength to all. Now therefore, our God, we give you thanks and praise your glorious name."

(1 Chronicles 29:12-13, CSB)

"Now what do you say?" was a statement the Forshee children heard a lot from our parents growing up. The question usually came after we were given something or after something nice was done for us. The only appropriate response was, "Thank you."

In your own life, how much are you thankful for? Just think about it for a second: you are either reading this email on a phone or laptop that has WiFi or another way of accessing the internet. You may be in an air-conditioned building, or in your air-conditioned car. You might be outside on a warm, beautiful day. Who knows where you might be at this exact moment, but what I do know is, you have a lot of things to be thankful for just in being able to read this devotional!

We have so much to be thankful for, and as followers of Jesus, we know to Whom we can be thankful! James talks about how God is the giver of all good gifts, and from our passage above, we can see the generous heart of our God and His power. So, if God is the giver of all good gifts and is ruler of everything, and He gives good gifts to His children, WE HAVE A LOT TO BE THANKFUL FOR!

What I want to encourage you with today, even right now, is to make a "thankful list". Put it on your phone, put it in your journal, put it somewhere you will be able to look at it during the day, or maybe even all week. Here are some things you can be thankful for:
  • Be thankful for the breath in your lungs.
  • Be thankful for your salvation.
  • Be thankful for your family.
  • Be thankful for your job, or for your retirement.
  • Be thankful for air conditioning.
  • Be thankful for your spouse, or for your singleness.
A thankful heart allows us to see the gifts and the generosity of our Great God who is worthy of our thankfulness and (like the verse says above) worthy of the praise to His glorious name.

Today, be thankful.

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Podcast of the Week

Life Principles: #4: Energized by God's Presence, Pt. 2

Pastor Danny wraps up his discussion of Dr. Charles Stanley's 4th Life Principle: Energized by God's Presence: Awareness of God's presence energizes us for our work.

Listen on your preferred platform:
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Chris Williams