A Strengthened Faith, Pt. 1

A Strengthened Faith, Pt. 1

God is so good. He indeed makes all grace abound toward us. He has blessed every one of us with the beauty of His creation, friends, & loved ones.

A Strengthened Faith, Pt. 1

"And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work."

(2 Corinthians 9:8)

I am so grateful to God for the trip He blessed us with from May 23 through June 2. We were able to retrace much of the Apostle Paul's second missionary journey as recorded in Acts 15-18. Last week, I shared with you about half of our trip. This week, I will share with you about the remainder of our journey. My prayer is that your faith will be strengthened as you walk through this journey with me. It is so encouraging when you can visit some of the sites that Paul, John, and others in the Christian faith visited. Ashley and I hope to go back to Israel perhaps as early as next year. I wish every Christian could go and see the Holy Land!

After we visited the island of Patmos, we got back on the cruise ship and sailed for Crete. Paul stopped on this island on his fourth missionary journey, as Luke pointed out in Acts 27. We toured some of Crete and were able to see the church dedicated to Titus who served in Crete. In the far right of the photo, there is a banner that reads, "The Church of Saint Titus (the first Bishop of Crete) is one of the most interesting religious monuments in the centre of the city. The skull of the Apostle Saint Titus is kept at the church."
While at Crete, Leighton Forshee was teaching the Word when one of the ladies on our trip almost passed out due to low blood sugar levels. She is a diabetic and nearly collapsed. Her husband shared with us that she would be okay in about 40 minutes. I knew that was going to be a problem since our bus left in 10 minutes to get us back to the ship to set sail again. God touched our friend, and she was able to walk back to the bus. Her husband told us this was a miracle, because every time this had happened in the past, it had taken 40 minutes for her to be stable and walk. Thank You, Lord! We saw God do things like this throughout our trip.

After Crete, we sailed for Santorini, one of the most beautiful places in the world. We were not able to stay long, but thankfully, for dinner, we met up with some friends from Liberty Baptist Church in Hampton, Virginia. It was so neat seeing friends we had not seen in years. Here is a picture of Ashley and me with the Edmonds and Cruzes. We love these couples and appreciate their friendship and partnership in the Gospel ministry.
What a blessing it was to visit these two islands in the Aegean Sea. Here is a picture I took while on Santorini, viewing our cruise ship:
God is so good to us. He has created this wonderful world and given us treasured friends for life and exquisite natural beauty to behold. As our biblical text for today states, He makes all grace abound toward us. Thank You, Lord!

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Podcast of the Week

Interview with Dr. Jennifer Wakefield, Pt. 2

Pastor Danny continues his conversation with Dr. Jennifer Wakefield, biblical counselor and head of the women's ministry at Great Hills Baptist Church, about the issues of same-sex attraction, gender dysphoria, and abortion and how Christians can effectively minister to people struggling with these issues, especially how parents can help their children if they are tangled up in these issues.

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Chris Williams