What a Journey, Pt. 3

What a Journey, Pt. 3

God has His people everywhere. You never know who you'll meet where or how God will bless you through divine appointments.

What a Journey, Pt. 3

"However, some men joined him and believed, among them Dionysius the Areopagite, a woman named Damaris, and others with them."

(Acts 17:34)
While in Athens, walking up to the Parthenon, one can look below and see Mars' Hill, the Areopagus. This is where Paul delivered his sermon to the Greek Athenian philosophers.

Here is a picture I took standing above Mars' Hill. Look to the left, and if you can zoom in, you can see people standing on top of the hill.
Before we walked up the hill, I shared a message with our group based on Acts 17:16-34. What a joy and privilege it was to share this message with our friends, and to preach in the same city, near the same spot Paul preached. Wow, it was such a blessing and honor. As I was preaching, I noticed two men join our group and listen to me. They were not a part of our group, so after the message, I walked up to them to share Jesus with them. They told me quickly that they were believers from the country of Albania located northwest of Greece. They love the Lord and serve as elders in their church. Now, I thought this was so cool: Andy and Kathy Spencer, who were on the trip with us, are considering going to Albania and helping plant churches with the group Tim Keller started, called City to City. Okay, are you ready for this? These two men are from the very city the Spencers are planning to visit!

After I shared the message from Acts 17, I walked up Mars' Hill to join others who were enjoying the views. As I was walking, I noticed a man was sitting down and reading from Acts 17. I approached him after he finished reading and shared with him that I heard him and appreciated him reading the Word of God. He stood up, looked at me intently, and to be honest, I thought I had offended him. He gave me a serious look and then said, "I know you." Now, that was not what I expected him to say! He went on to say that while he was a student at Southwestern Seminary in Fort Worth, TX, I was his evangelism professor. He was there with his wife and their son who had just graduated from high school.

Here is a picture of Jared Vineyard and I standing atop Mars' Hill:
Jared is a graduate of West Point and serves as a chaplain in the Army at Fort Benning, GA. (The base's name has been changed recently to Fort Moore.) He and his wife, Amanda, were taking their son on his high school graduation trip. He too will be attending West Point in the fall. What are the odds of me seeing Jared and his family? I am grateful to God that we were able to meet. I ended up praying over him and his family as we stood together on Mars' Hill.

God has His people everywhere. Just like how in Athens of old, there were believers like Dionysius and Damaris, there are likewise believers there today! You never know who you will meet and where. I got to meet two brothers in Christ from Albania and a former student of mine in seminary within the same hour in Athens, Greece, at the Areopagus. Thank You, Lord!

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Podcast of the Week

Interview with Dr. Jennifer Wakefield, Pt. 1

Pastor Danny welcomes to the show Dr. Jennifer Wakefield, biblical counselor and head of the women's ministry at Great Hills Baptist Church, to discuss the issues of same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria and how Christians can effectively minister to people struggling with these issues, especially how parents can help their children if they are in the midst of these struggles.

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Chris Williams