Then Christ Came, Pt. 3

Then Christ Came, Pt. 3

Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted. Brokenheartedness is a worldwide reality. Most of the time, sufferers search for a cure in the wrong place.

Then Christ Came, Pt. 3

"He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted."

(Luke 4:18)

Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted.

The word translated "brokenhearted" is suntribo, which means to crush completely, to shatter, break in pieces, or to bruise.

Brokenheartedness is a worldwide reality in our day. Most of the time, the sufferers search for a cure in the wrong place. It is neither presumptuous or cliché to say the truth: Jesus heals broken hearts!

Ray was a notorious gang leader in east Los Angeles, CA. He was a violent man who had murdered people. He was the local leader of the white supremacy group called the Arians. Rick Knowafske was a church planter, and he moved in upstairs in the building where Ray lived downstairs. The two men were as different as night and day. Ray was only 20 years-old but had chest pains and ended up in the emergency room. The cardiologist told him he had damage in 90% of his heart, and he only had a couple days to live, so if he knew any pastors, he should call one of them to come and pray for him. Guess whom Ray called. Rick came to Ray and shared the Gospel with him and told him of the thief on the cross, how hours before his death, he gave his life to Christ. (Have you seen this brief clip where Alistair Begg references the thief on the cross? If not, take a couple of minutes and listen; it is so good!)
Ray repented of his sins, and Christ gloriously saved him! Then Rick laid his hands on Ray's head and prayed for God to heal his physical heart. Nothing happened... until two days later. The doctor came into the room and told Ray he was free to get dressed and go home, for his heart was completely well. In Ray's own words, Jesus healed his heart two times!

Do you have a broken heart or crushed spirit today? Jesus Christ can touch and heal your wounded heart. Some have been abused, hurt, or taken advantage of, and you feel no one knows or cares, but God both knows and cares. He can do the miraculous and bring healing, salvation, and comfort—remember He gives beauty for ashes (Isaiah 61:3). He stands at your heart's door (Revelation 3:20)—let Him come in.

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Podcast of the Week

Overcoming Evil

Pastor Danny shares a special episode on the horrible tragedies in our world, how we process and respond to them, and how we spread Christ's love and the Gospel in their midst.

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Chris Williams