Dare to Die

Dare to Die

As followers of Jesus, we remember His death for us, not only on Good Friday, but every day, because of the eternal significance of what He did for us.

Dare to Die

"For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

(Romans 5:7-8)

Last week was Holy Week, where the Church of Jesus Christ all over the world remembered the death of Jesus on the cross on Good Friday and celebrated His resurrection on Easter. We had a wonderful weekend here in Austin, TX. Our church is committed to starting new works, and one year ago on Easter, we planted and launched a campus of GHBC called Connect Church Liberty Hill. We meet each Sunday at 5:00 p.m. at the Santa Rita Elementary School. My son, Leighton, is the campus pastor. I serve as the teaching pastor. Our worship pastor Jeff Fair leads worship along with his wife Lori.

A cool thing happened over the weekend; the Director of Fun (yes that is her actual title) for Santa Rita Ranch asked if Connect Church would present the story of Jesus before they drop 80,000 eggs from a helicopter. We were so blessed to be asked. Leighton shared the Gospel of Jesus, using the Resurrection Eggs, and our worship ministry led in praise. I thought the reason they gave for why they asked our church to lead was really neat: they said, "We see you guys in the community, serving and helping others, so we wanted to invite you." This reminds me of Jesus' words in Matthew 5:16, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." Here are a couple pictures from the event:
As followers of Jesus, we remember His death for us, not only on Good Friday, but also every day, because of the eternal significance of what He did for us by paying the price for our salvation with His very life.

The phrase in our biblical text for today, "dare to die", really spoke to my heart. Jesus dared to die for us out of an abundance of love for our eternal souls. The price for sin had to be paid, and only Jesus, the sinless One, could do it... and He did it.

It is the highest form of love when people care so deeply that they risk their lives or pay the ultimate price to save others. We saw this a couple weeks back in The Covenant School outside Nashville, Tennessee, when three police officers ran toward the gunfire to eliminate the threat to so many others after six people had already been murdered. Those three men will forever be remembered and defined by that morning when they risked it all to save the innocent from certain death.

Many have demonstrated great courage in their willingness to lay down their lives for others; they dare to die, as Paul writes in Romans 5:7. But Christ, as Paul writes in verse 8, "died for us." What wondrous love the Father has lavished on us. Let us praise and thank God for the death of Jesus on the cross for our sins. Thank You Jesus!

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Podcast of the Week

The God of the Breakthrough

Do you need a breakthrough? Are you facing some formidable challenges or obstacles that are keeping you from moving forward? In today's episode, Pastor Danny shares about how you can be prepared and equipped for victory and keep a good attitude even in the midst of extreme difficulty.

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Chris Williams