Fighting a Battle

Fighting a Battle

Praise God that the victory over sin, death, and hell has already been won because Jesus Christ died on the cross and arose from the grave.

Fighting a Battle

"But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord."

(1 Corinthians 15:57-58)

One of my favorite music artists is the band Shane & Shane. Shane Barnard and Shane Everett met while students at Texas A&M twenty years ago. They have been writing songs and leading worship all over the country since. They have a passion for Jesus and helping train the next generation of worship leaders. Their songs are based on the Word of God and have rich, spiritual substance. Their latest song is entitled "You've Already Won". We have sung it in our church, and our people love it. You can listen to Shane & Shane singing the song here:
Here are some of the lyrics:
There's peace that outlast darkness
Hope that's in the blood
There's future grace that's mine today
That Jesus Christ has won
So I can face tomorrow
For tomorrow's in Your hands
All I need You will provide
Just like You always have

I'm fighting the battle
You've already won
No matter what comes my way
I will overcome
Don't know what You're doing
But I know what You've done
And I'm fighting a battle
You've already won

Praise God that the victory over sin, death, and hell has already been won because Jesus Christ died on the cross and arose from the grave. We are not fighting for victory, but we are fighting from victory. The outcome is assured and victory definite. Yes, we still must fight spiritual battles on this earth until Jesus comes again. In our biblical text for today, the Apostle Paul encourages the Church and gives instructions on how we are to conduct ourselves here on earth as we take one more step toward heaven every day. He tells us to be steadfast; we are to be consistent in our walk with Christ. We are to be immovable; we are to stand our ground, fully relying on Christ to be our strength and source of victory for every battle. And we are to keep at it! We must keep doing the work of the Lord.

If you are like me, then there are days or even seasons when you feel worn out and weary in the battle. Evil is relentless and does not take a day off. The devil wants nothing more than to steal, kill, and destroy, as Jesus warned us in John 10:10. But praise God, we can keep going, because the victory is already won! Jesus has won, and He gives strength to us His children as we wage war against the enemy of our souls.

You may not understand all that God is doing right now, but you know what He has done! Keep going; the Lord is with you, and victory is yours!

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Podcast of the Week

When Revival Comes, Pt. 3

Pastor Danny continues to discuss the history of Revivals and Great Awakenings, primarily in America, but also in Europe.

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Chris Williams