Like a Honeycomb

Like a Honeycomb

Some people live their lives in a negative mood, have the unspiritual gift of discouragement, and seldom offer an encouraging word. Not you, I hope!

Like a Honeycomb

"Pleasant words are like a honeycomb,
Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones."

(Proverbs 16:24)

Some people live their lives in a negative mood, have the unspiritual gift of discouragement, and seldom offer an encouraging word. We all know people like this, and we steer clear of them the best we can. Solomon said in Proverbs 18:21 that death and life are in the power of the tongue, and I agree completely.

I know far more people who understand the power of words and choose to bless instead of curse others. I have had the joy to serve as pastor to people who, in the words of Christian artist Toby Mac, "speak life."

In our biblical text for today's devotion, King Solomon compares pleasant words to the honeycomb, a sweet treat to the hungry. When we speak pleasant, helpful words to others, we have a direct effect upon them. We bring sweetness to their souls and health to their bones. As a pastor, like every other pastor, I get my fair share of criticism, and yes, vicious words are most unpleasant. They do not sweeten the soul or bring health and life to the bones. They have just the opposite effect. But I have far more people in my life who are uplifting and encouraging.

I received two messages from people in our church last week who reached out to me for the simple purpose of encouraging me. This is from Kyle (and I use it here with his permission):

"Hello Pastor Danny. I meant to message you last week, but things got a little busy. I just wanted to let you know that I have been really enjoying your sermons and got really excited when you showed the Coagulation Cascade. I actually gave a lecture to Medical Lab Technician students at ACC over that same picture about a month ago. . . . When I was in school at UT working on my first degree in Microbiology / Immunology, we would get to certain biochemical processes in the body, and I would just be amazed at how God designed our immune system. How intricate and detailed it is, how everything has to work together in perfect harmony, or we couldn't function properly. My professors would try to say evolution, but how you could not believe that God created those systems was beyond me. Anyways, Abbie and I really enjoy your sermons and love GHBC. We are both so blessed to be a part of this church. Have a great day!"

Let me ask you to do what Kyle did and reach out to your pastor and give him a word of encouragement. Pastor Ken Whitten was asked, how does one know when their pastor needs encouragement? Ken said, "Check his pulse. If he has one, then he needs encouragement!"

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Podcast of the Week

When Revival Comes, Pt. 3

Pastor Danny continues to discuss the history of Revivals and Great Awakenings, primarily in America, but also in Europe.

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Chris Williams