Where Are You, Christmas?

Where Are You, Christmas?

It is Friday, and you know what that means? A devo about a SONG!

Where Are You, Christmas?

This week's devotions are written by my son, Bryant Forshee, Lead Student Pastor for Cross Church, Springdale, AR campus.
- Pastor Danny
"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth."

(John 1:14, CSB)

It is Friday, and you know what that means? A devo about a SONG! Woo-hoo! If this is your first time reading devotions written by me, then you should know that I always try to end the week with a great praise song that I have been enjoying lately. Today is a little different because I have chosen "Where Are You Christmas?" from the Grinch! I told you on Wednesday that I really loved the Grinch, and I wasn't kidding!

Here are the lyrics to Cindy Lou Who's song:
Where are you Christmas
Why can't I find you
Why have you gone away
My world is changing
I'm rearranging
Does that mean Christmas changes too?

Where are you Christmas
Do you remember
The girl you used to know
You and I were so carefree
Now nothings easy
Did Christmas change, or just me?

This song from little Cindy Lou Who hangs on the two questions that are in bold above. In the movie, this is a sweet song of character reflection for Cindy Lou Who, and I think we can do the same with the meaning of Christmas.

This Christmas, may we be followers of Jesus that constantly and consistently remember what Christmas is all about: Jesus. John 1:14 says this: "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth." This is what Christmas is all about. That Jesus has come down from Heaven. That God putting on flesh has made His majestic appearance, and we know what happens at the end of Jesus' life: his death, burial, resurrection, and ascension.

This Christmas, while enjoying the presents, the family, the eating, the games, college football bowl games, or anything else, above all that, be thankful and remind yourself that this season is really all about Jesus. Our whole lives are about Jesus, and for one month, a lot of the world around us joins us in placing a high emphasis on Him, the Christ of CHRISTmas. This Christmas season, share about the real meaning of Christmas with those you work with, work out with, hang out with, and everyone else you meet.

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Podcast of the Week

Life Principles: #13: Listening to God, Walking with God, Pt. 2

Pastor Danny wraps up his discussion of Dr. Charles Stanley's 13th Life Principle: Listening to God, Walking with God.

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Chris Williams