"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over."
(Psalm 23:5)
The third thing I have felt the Lord has been teaching me over the last several weeks is how important it is to love, lean on, and invest in those closest to you, and that is your family and friends. My pastor friend, Mark Becton, told me one time to spend most of my time on earth with the people who will attend my funeral. That is sage advice. Sadly, we often hear of those who chase worldly gain and fame and neglect the very people who love them the most, their family.
Ashley and I talk often about how our grandkids give us so much delight, and how they are true gifts from God. A couple weeks ago, we were greeting guests at our church after the worship service. As I was speaking to a first-time guest, I could hear my grandkids coming down the hall. Claire and Riley were screaming at the tops of their little lungs, "Pops and Nay Nay!!!" Ashley and I smiled as we watched them literally run past everybody right into our arms. I told the lady I was speaking to, "Please hold on just a second, these are our grandkids." Ashley and I hugged them and said hello, and then they took off.
After our Wednesday evening prayer meeting, I had several people come up to me and share many things with me. One showed me a poem he had written, another talked to me about his recent trip to New York, and another man, who is battling cancer, prayed over me. I could see little Bella (granddaughter #3) in the corner of my eye, and I could not wait to go to her, scoop her up, kiss those cheeks, and just walk around the church with her. So that is what I did!
King David writes about how God blessed him amid his enemies. He used two analogies that speak of the favor and blessings of God. The anointing oil pouring over his head and beard signifies to me the favor of God upon his life. The overflowing cup speaks of the bountiful provisions of God for his life. As followers of Jesus, we are serving God in some very challenging days. Christians are becoming more and more marginalized in our culture today. I believe these days are mild compared to what awaits the child of God in the coming years before Jesus returns. But God is with us, and He gives us tokens of His blessings and pleasure.
Our family and close friends are some of the greatest blessings God gives to us. Instead of neglecting them, I recommend we show our love for them by spending time with them. As you and I love them and make room for them in our busy lives, we will both be a blessing and receive even more blessings from God through them.