Worshiping with Heaven, Pt. 5

Worshiping with Heaven, Pt. 5

We should worship 1. simply because God is worthy of being praised, and 2. worship rightly aligns our hearts under the supreme worthiness of God.

Worshiping with Heaven, Pt. 5

Why do you worship? Why do these heavenly beings that we have read about this week worship? There may be many answers to this question, but two reasons we should worship are, 1. simply because God is worthy of being praised, and 2. worship rightly aligns our hearts under the supreme worthiness of God. It takes a humble heart to worship. In worship, we take the focus off of ourselves and acknowledge Him who is greater.

This week we have been able to peer into John's experience in the throne room of God and worship with the words being sung and cried out in heaven. In our text, Revelation 4-5, there is one final declaration of worship.
John writes that finally, he heard "every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all that is in them, saying: 'To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!'" (Revelation 5:13)

This declaration of worship is very similar to the one we studied yesterday. This time, however, all those on earth joined the voices of heaven to give praise to our great God. John describes them as all creatures "in heaven, on earth, and under the earth, and in the sea, and all that is in them." The phrase, "in heaven, on earth, and under the earth" is a common phrase used in the Bible to communicate a full inclusivity. It is not intended to promote a teaching of three distinct categories or places, but rather is just a term to emphasize a fully encompassed group. John even adds the sea and all that is in it to even further clarify. Everything is praising God.

In this expression of praise, the worshipers sing their praise "to him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb." God the Father sits upon the throne, and as we uncovered yesterday, Jesus the Son is the Lamb. Isn't it a comfort that God is seated upon His throne? He isn't pacing the floors of heaven overwhelmed with nerves for the state of the world or hoping for things to go according to plan. He is seated. In confidence and control, He sits on His throne with a steady reign over all creation. Praise the Lord that we serve a seated King.

So may we join in this universal chorus to praise the seated Father and the Lamb of God who has always reigned, is reigning, and always will reign forever and ever!

Father God, I praise you today for giving your Son. I praise you for your sovereignty and control over all creation. Thank you for the sacrifice of Jesus. All blessing, honor, glory, and might to you, Lord. And as your word says, I will praise you forever and ever because you are forever and ever. Amen.

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Podcast of the Week

Lessons from Jim Cymbala and the Brooklyn Tabernacle, Pt. 2

Pastor Danny shares more about his recent trip to Brooklyn, NY, where he was part of a group of 50 pastors from Texas who visited the Brooklyn Tabernacle and spent some time with Pastor Jim Cymbala. It was an exciting and refreshing two days for Pastor Danny, so he wants to share all about what happened and what he learned.

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Chris Williams