Finishing Well, Pt. 2

Finishing Well, Pt. 2

All of us need help from others if we are to serve the Lord well and accomplish all He has for us to do. God did not create us to be isolated.

Finishing Well, Pt. 2

"But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God."

(Acts 20:24)

On April 26, 2008, Sara Tucholsky came to the plate to bat in a crucial game between Western Oregon University and Central Washington University. There were two runners on base when Sara stepped up to the plate. She had never hit a home run, but today she hit the ball, and it sailed over the center-field fence. She was ecstatic and took off to run the bases. But as she ran past first base, she tore her ACL and hit the ground, unable to get up. The umpires said that if her teammates helped her, she would be out. If she got a pinch runner, then she would only be given a single, although the two runs she batted in would count. So, with all that was in her, she tried to crawl to second base, but she simply could not do it. Then the opposing team, Central Washington, came to her rescue. The first baseman and shortstop picked Sara up and carried her to touch each base with her good leg. When they crossed home plate, everyone was in tears. CWU lost their chances of advancing to the playoffs, but they had done a great deed in helping Sara finish her arduous journey around the bases. (Avant, If God Were Real, p. 207-08.) Here is the link if you would like to see the story in detail, as told by reporter Tom Rinaldi:
All of us are going to need someone to come alongside us and help us if we are to serve the Lord well and accomplish all He has for us to do. God did not create us to be isolated and cut off from others. We are meant to be in community so we can help, and yes, be helped. John Donne was right, "No man is an island to himself." We need one another. Jesus desires for us to be involved with the Church so we can be blessed and be a blessing. The Devil likes it when we are alone and have no desire to be with others. He feeds us many lies, and if we are in isolation and out of contact with others, we are much more prone to believe those lies.

Paul's desire was not to just start the Christian race but to finish it. He wanted to start strong and finish strong as well. His short-term goal in Acts 20 is to reach Jerusalem by May 29, AD 57, to celebrate Pentecost with the Jewish believers. But his long-term goal was to live the Christian life with such passion that he served God faithfully until his final day on earth.

Paul, my hero of the faith, was a man of compassion, humility, integrity, and passion. He gave us a stellar model to emulate as we too live the Christian life. Like Sara Tucholsky, there were times when he needed help from others, especially at those times when his life was at risk. God provided him with the right people at just the right time (men like Ananias and Barnabus). God will provide for you as well as you walk with Him and trust Him.

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Podcast of the Week

Lessons from Jim Cymbala and the Brooklyn Tabernacle, Pt. 1

Pastor Danny shares about his recent trip to Brooklyn, NY, where he was part of a group of 50 pastors from Texas who visited the Brooklyn Tabernacle and spent some time with Pastor Jim Cymbala. It was an exciting and refreshing two days for Pastor Danny, and in today's episode, he shares all about what happened and what he learned.

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Chris Williams