Lessons from Pastor Jim Cymbala and the Brooklyn Tabernacle, Pt. 2

Lessons from Pastor Jim Cymbala and the Brooklyn Tabernacle, Pt. 2

I can see why people line up outside and wait patiently to get into the Tuesday night prayer services at the Brooklyn Tabernacle. The Spirit of God is there.

Lessons from Pastor Jim Cymbala and the Brooklyn Tabernacle, Pt. 2

"Then He taught, saying to them, 'Is it not written, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations'?"

(Mark 11:17)

Our group of 50 pastors from Texas showed up early for the Tuesday evening prayer service at the Brooklyn Tabernacle on August 30. I was thrilled to be able to attend and entered the church with much anticipation of meeting God in prayer. We were told that we could arrive early, and at 6:00 p.m., the church would have pastors and deacons at the altar to pray over anyone who came. I was one of the first in line!
They paired me with a man named Deacon John. He asked how he could pray for me. I shared with him that I was a pastor in Austin, TX, and more than anything, I need the wisdom of God to make wise decisions. Deacon John prayed for me, and it was very moving. He quoted multiple Scriptures and interceded on my behalf. I wept as this godly deacon prayed. Here is a photo of Deacon John praying over me at the altar at the Brooklyn Tabernacle:
Many other pastors got in line and had one-on-one prayer as well. When I looked behind me, the line was literally to the back of the church!

The prayer service that night was so Spirit-filled. If you have not attended one of their prayer services, then it is hard for me to describe with words. The praise team leads in a couple of songs of worship, and then Pastor Jim comes and leads the remainder of the service. He lets the Spirit guide him. He too will begin singing a song, and everyone will join him. I could hardly sing because I was so full of emotion. I cried tears of joy as we praised and worshiped Jesus with so many people gathered for the sole purpose of worshiping our great God and bringing our prayers to His throne.

On this night, the church prayed for the children who would be starting school soon. Jim had the children and all those who worked in education come forward and get on the stage. It was packed with so many kids and adults. We prayed over them, and then Jim had middle school through graduate students come to the stage, and we prayed over them as well. Before we prayed, someone from BT would address the students and those adults who had roles in the public schools. Jim had encouraged us as pastors to be sure to pray for the students in our churches before they go back to school, and when the school year is over, have a time of prayer then too. He said, "Any time schedules change, the enemy is looking to harm."

When the prayer service concluded, joy was palpable in the atmosphere. I can see why people line up outside and wait patiently to get into the Tuesday night prayer services at the BT. The Spirit of God is there. The Lord hears His people as they cry out to Him. Needs are met. Miracles happen when God's people pray.

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Chris Williams