S is for Serve, Pt. 1

S is for Serve, Pt. 1

Throughout the New Testament, we read of many occurrences where
Jesus and the Early Church engaged in acts of selfless service to others...

S is for Serve, Pt. 1

"They said to Him, 'Grant us that we may sit, one on
Your right hand and the other on Your left, in Your glory.'"

(Mark 10:37)

I have preached the BLESS series at Great Hills Baptist Church in Austin, TX. I am currently preaching it again but this time at our campus church, Connect Church, in Liberty Hill, TX. BLESS is an acronym that stands for:
Begin with prayer
Listen with care
Eat together (or Engage)
Share Jesus

It is based on the book BLESS: 5 Everyday Ways to Love Your Neighbor and Change the World. The authors are brothers Dave and Jon Ferguson, pastors of Community Christian Church in the Chicago, IL area.
BLESS is an excellent tool for Christ-followers. It teaches us a simple and proven way to share and show the love of Jesus to a hurting world. Some of the most unreached people in the USA are neighbors living next door to Christians. I know I can do a better job in this area. It was a blessing, though, a couple of weeks back when we had a neighbor visit our new church. She told me the reason she came was because of the church sign in my front yard! As we pray for and seek ways to engage with our neighbors, God will use us to make a difference in their lives.

Let's talk about serving others in our devotions this week. Throughout the New Testament, we read of many occurrences where Jesus and the Early Church engaged in acts of selfless service to others. I am so amazed at the depth of service rendered by Jesus, the King of the universe! Jesus was the greatest servant to walk upon the earth. He was far more interested in serving others than being served. Jesus was sent by the Father on a rescue mission to redeem lost humanity. He was born of the virgin Mary in a stable and placed in a feed trough that night, and He went on to live a life of humility and service as seen in the multitude of ways He helped others. He rode a donkey in His triumphant procession into Jerusalem, and eventually, He died on the cross in the greatest demonstration of love ever witnessed!

In Mark 10:37, James and John were wanting to sit on Jesus' right and left hand in His kingdom. "They said to Him, 'Grant us that we may sit, one on Your right hand and the other on Your left, in Your glory.'" This request for a position of prominence in heaven upset the other disciples. Mark 10:41 states, "And when the ten heard it, they began to be greatly displeased with James and John." I get it. Our minds quickly ponder rewards and blessings rather than humble, sacrificial service.

As I mentioned earlier, I know I can do a better job of emulating Jesus and serving Him by serving others. Will you join me in this prayer:

"Dear God, help me be a better servant. Forgive me when my primary thoughts are about being blessed and served instead of being a servant. Help me follow your example and put on a towel instead of a crown and seek to serve instead of being served. Thank You, Lord, for helping me. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."

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Podcast of the Week

Winning the Battle in Your Mind, Pt. 9

Pastor Danny continues his series on overcoming fear, anxiety, depression, and other mental struggles, which are now more prevalent than ever before.

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Chris Williams