Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table, Pt. 1

Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table, Pt. 1

The battle won or lost in the mind plays out in our speech & actions. If
you are at peace with God & others, then you will not lash out in anger.

Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table, Pt. 1

"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ."

(2 Corinthians 10:3-5)

The title of our devotions this week is taken from the title of Pastor Louie Giglio's new book, which I recently finished reading in preparation for the new series of sermons I recently finished preaching, entitled, "Winning the Battle in Your Mind". (I am also sharing these messages in a different format in our REvangelical podcast.)

All of us at some point in our lives fight a battle in our minds. For those like me who have struggled with anxiety, the battle is frequent, sometimes daily. Some have more of a propensity to worry and others to fall into depression. I can relate, and I am grateful for the opportunity to speak and write words of encouragement to those who may be struggling even now. I pray that this week's devotions give you biblical instruction and practical steps toward mental health and healing. The battles we all wage in our minds are very real, and for some of you, they are fierce battles.

"Battle" connotes the idea of two opposing forces: an antagonist and a protagonist. The question is, will we give way to fear, worry, anxiety, and depression, or will we allow peace, hope, and joy to fill our minds? The ultimate battle is between good and evil. As followers of Jesus, we know it is a spiritual battle. On the one hand, we have an enemy of our souls who seeks to destroy us, but on the other hand, we have our Savior who loves us and empowers us to be victorious in every mental and spiritual battle and in every temptation we face (John 10:10).

The battle won or lost in the mind will play out in our speech and actions. For example, if you are at peace with God and others, you will not lash out in anger or give into sinful speech or behavior. Conversely, if you are in a bad way and your heart and mind are in a dark place, then there is no way for you to respond the way God wants you to respond. Jesus said in Matthew 7:17-18, "Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit."

Read our biblical text for this week's devotions slowly (2 Corinthians 10:3-5). Ask God to open your spiritual eyes to comprehend what God is telling you in these powerful, liberating verses from His Word. I am looking forward to sharing more with you this week!

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Podcast of the Week

Winning the Battle in Your Mind, Pt. 2

Pastor Danny continues his new series on overcoming fear, anxiety, depression, and other mental struggles, which are now more prevalent than ever before.

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Chris Williams