Overcoming Anxiety, Pt. 1

Overcoming Anxiety, Pt. 1

When you remember that God has got your back, that He is for you
and not against you, this will help greatly to overcome anxiety.

Overcoming Anxiety, Pt. 1

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things."

(Philippians 4:6-8)

For several weeks, I have been preaching a series of messages at our church entitled, "Winning the Battle in Your Mind." I have gotten more feedback and response from these messages than any other series I have ever preached. Many people are struggling with issues related to mental health. I did not know when I started the series that May is mental health month. Everyone deals with anxiety and struggles with fear and other issues related to our minds. It is a battle I have had for many years. Praise God for the victories He has granted to me. I am still in process, but the truths I am sharing in the sermons and in these devotions are truly liberating and life-giving.

Over the last couple of weeks, we have looked at a few verses in the Bible that help us greatly with mental illness and depression. First, we looked at Isaiah 26:3-4, and last week, Romans 8:28-37. Last week, I shared with you some practical truths, and I want to revisit one of them with you today. It is the fact that God is for you. Yes, Romans 8:28 is still in the Bible. God works all things for our good. He can be trusted. We may not be able to track His hand or understand, but we can always trust His heart. We can have peace in the middle of the storm because God is for us. God will give special grace for special days; I truly believe that and have seen it in my own life.

Some of our anxiety is rooted in our anger at God. We do not like the situation in which we find ourselves, and truth be told, we are upset with God. God allows things to happen for our ultimate good, although in the moments of pain and misunderstanding, we cannot see the good that will come from it. We have a choice in those moments: trust God and live in peace, or become anxious and live in misery.

Please do not miss this next part: He allows us to go through painful seasons so we can help others who will go through something similar. We can speak truth to those who hurt because we have lived it. Of course, going though mental battles, as I have for years, is no fun, and at times, I wish I never had to deal with that. But I know deep down that God has been with me. He has allowed it, and part of the reason is this sermon series I am preaching and devotions I am writing that are helping many. I could never preach it unless I had first experienced it and endured it.

When you remember that God has got your back, that He is for you and not against you, this will help greatly to overcome anxiety. You have the power to obey God's Word when He says, "Be anxious for nothing" (Philippians 4:6). You have nothing to fear and nothing to be worried or anxious about... and why is that? God is with you!

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Podcast of the Week

Winning the Battle in Your Mind, Pt. 1

Pastor Danny begins a new series on overcoming fear, anxiety, depression, and other mental struggles, which are now more prevalent than ever before.

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Chris Williams