Help in Troubled Times, Pt. 2

Help in Troubled Times, Pt. 2

It is imperative that we remember we are human beings, not human
doings. A vital part of our humanity is fellowshipping with other people.

Help in Troubled Times, Pt. 2

"I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid."

(John 14:27)

We are focusing on getting the help we need to make it through these trying days in which we live. I was listening to an interview of New York Times Bestselling author Ann Voskamp recently, and she said that everyone is in a battle, and our words need to help them, not hinder them. I pray that what I share with you is helpful to you as you navigate your current storm. You are not alone. It seems that everyone is indeed fighting a hard battle, but the good news is, we do not have to fight alone. God is with us, and He sends help and hope at the precise time we need it.

Yesterday, we looked at Dr. Lane Ogden's sage advice in his three categories of improvement. The first was taking care of our physical bodies, these temples God has given us in which the Holy Spirit of God lives. That's right, as a follower of Jesus, the Spirit of God lives within us. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, "Don't you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body."

Recently, I was working out at Lifetime Fitness, riding the stationary bike, when I saw my friend and fellow church member, Dr. Tom Ogunleye. Tom is a dear friend and one of the godliest men I know. Tom has a PhD in medical physics, and he and his wife own a successful company providing in-home assistance to those who are ill. He is a very busy man, but he makes the time to exercise, and I respect that very much. We can handle stress much better if we take care of our bodies, rest well, eat healthier, and hit the gym.

The second piece of advice that Dr. Ogden gives in helping us overcome fear in these troubling times is to maintain our social health. He writes:
"Maintain good people connections and contacts. Humans are, at a very fundamental level, social beings who need interpersonal contact to function well. Continue to do the things with other people that you do in less challenging times, and even consider adding more.

"In Hebrews 10:25, the author charges us not to neglect meeting together for good reason. Being with family and loved ones can be a huge source of psychological comfort. We need to talk about our challenges with others of like mind. We are to bear and share each other's burdens."

(I would like to add that the devil hits us when we are hungry, isolated, and tired.)

I agree with Dr. Ogden. It is imperative that we remember we are human beings, not human doings. A vital part of our humanity is being in contact, interacting, socializing, and fellowshipping with other people. The isolation so many endured in the pandemic has had and will continue to have negative effects on us. This is an area I must work at, because as an introvert, I have no problem working long hours in isolation. But too much isolation can lead to depression. So let us get out and interact with people and have some fun as well.

Some of our church staff and I recently went to a friend's farm and shot various targets with our pistols and rifles. We had a great time, but the best part of it was simply being together, not talking about work, and just hanging out. It was rather therapeutic. All work and no play make for some very stressed people!

Are you interacting well with others? Remember, the devil likes to isolate you so he can bombard you with lies in hopes that you will believe him. Do not listen to Satan's lies. Listen to God's truth in His Word, and associate with godly men and women who will encourage you to stand strong in the face of adversity.

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Podcast of the Week

Words of Wisdom from Pastor Jim Henry

Pastor Danny welcomes to the show Pastor Jim Henry, former president of the Southern Baptist Convention and lead pastor of First Baptist Church of Orlando, FL for over 29 years. Pastor Jim shares about his life and how God has worked in it. He also shares some words of encouragement and affirmation for followers of Christ in general and pastors specifically.

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Chris Williams