FCA at the University of Texas

FCA at the University of Texas

I am encouraged and inspired by how God is working at UT and growing
the Fellowship of Christian Athletes there. Details in today's devo!

FCA at the University of Texas

"If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them gets lost, what will he do? Won't he leave the ninety-nine others in the wilderness and go to search for the one that is lost until he finds it?"

(Luke 15:4)

On March 7, I was invited to speak to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at the University of Texas in Austin, TX. I was invited by Ashley Minor, who works for the FCA at UT. Over the last few weeks, the student athletes have been reading my book For the One and discussing it in their huddle groups. Ashley shared how the ministry had dwindled before she joined it, and she felt like God led her to help the students focus on the "ones" to whom God would lead them to witness. It has been so neat to see how quickly they have grown. These UT student athletes have taken Ashley's challenge and done a great job in praying for and reaching out to their friends who do not know the Lord. One of my favorite parts of the evening was when Ashley had the students spread out in the room and pray for their "ones"!

The new director of the FCA at UT is Randy Roberts. He came to UT from Auburn University, where he had served at the FCA for the last 15 years. He is a delightful man with a contagious smile and deep love for Jesus and student athletes. Randy shared with our college pastor, Gary Hendrickson, about how God led him from Auburn to Texas. He felt God impress upon him that if he stayed at Auburn, He would continue to use him to make a difference. But if he stepped out in faith, left the comfortable, and moved to Texas, that God would do something special in his life. He decided to step out in faith and move to UT, and he has no regrets. In fact, Randy shared with us how God has blessed him, and he is now the chaplain for the Longhorn's Men's Basketball Team.

In my message to the FCA group, I talked to them about how important it is to follow Jesus' example when pursuing those with whom we can share the Gospel.
Jesus demonstrates for us how we can lovingly engage with people, dialogue with them, and speak truth in love. Heaven throws a party when one sinner turns to Jesus for salvation. Let us go share Jesus with someone and give heaven a reason to celebrate! Let us go after the ones God has put on our hearts, those we have been praying for. Let us tell them the good news today!

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Podcast of the Week

Words of Wisdom from Pastor Jim Henry

Pastor Danny welcomes to the show Pastor Jim Henry, former president of the Southern Baptist Convention and lead pastor of First Baptist Church of Orlando, FL for over 29 years. Pastor Jim shares about his life and how God has worked in it. He also shares some words of encouragement and affirmation for followers of Christ in general and pastors specifically.

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Chris Williams