God is on the Move

God is on the Move

Have you ever thought that the darkness is winning? You might be
tempted to think this, but nothing could be further from the truth.

God is on the Move

"You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."

(1 John 4:4)

Have you ever thought that the darkness is winning? You might be tempted to think this, but nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, the Devil is powerful, but he is no match for the LORD God Almighty. Satan knows his time is short, so he is doing all he can to advance his kingdom of darkness. I get it: there is much darkness in this world. The crimes humans inflict on each other, like what we are seeing now in Europe, are an indication that Satan is alive and working hard. But Jesus is coming back, and He will do away with Satan and cast him into the lake of fire forever. Revelation 20:10 states, "The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever."

God has already won the war with darkness. Jesus defeated Satan at the cross. He lives and He reigns! Jesus Christ is Lord of all. Between Jesus' first and second comings, there will be hard times when evil will win some battles. But during times when evil is on the rampage, we must look at things from an eternal perspective. God will, according to Revelation 21:4-5, wipe away every tear and make all things new.

One of my favorite stories that illustrates this truth of God's victory and our triumph in Him is the following one that I've shared in the past but never tire of repeating. Pastor Randy Smith has shared it this way:
"The story is told about a missionary named Henry Morrison who was returning to America after faithfully serving Christ for forty years in Africa. The same boat also bore home the wildly popular President Theodore Roosevelt, who was in Africa on a safari. As they entered New York harbor, the President was greeted with a huge fanfare. Morrison felt rather dejected. After all, he had spent four decades completely denying himself in the Lord's service while Roosevelt only went there to hunt some animals. The crowds were cheering, and the bands were playing. There were signs, banners, and billboards everywhere for the President saying, 'Welcome Home.' The dear missionary and his wife with their luggage in hand quietly made their way to the deck of the ship to exit. No one had come to welcome them back home. There were no bands playing or banners flying in their honor. Henry Morrison went to his hotel room with a rather heavy heart. As he sat there on the bed, he asked his wife, 'Honey, for forty years we poured our lives into ministry and service, and yet we come back to America and not a single soul comes to welcome us home?!' His wife came and sat down next to her husband. She put her hand on his shoulder, and said to him, 'Henry, you have forgotten something, you're not home yet!'"

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Podcast of the Week

Troubling & Exciting Times, Pt. 1

Pastor Danny begins a new short series about the difficult yet hopeful times in which we live, examining the parallels between end times prophecies in Scripture and what we are seeing in our world today.

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Chris Williams