A New Work

A New Work

Churches planting churches is the best way we can fulfill the
Great Commission of Jesus Christ to make disciples of all nations.

A New Work

"As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, 'Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.' Then, having fasted and prayed, and laid hands on them, they sent them away."

(Acts 13:2-3)

On Sunday, April 17, we will start a new work in Liberty Hill, TX. Our home church, Great Hills Baptist Church, is starting a new campus called Connect Church Liberty Hill. We have been meeting as a Core Team weekly since August 1, 2021. I am so proud of both Great Hills and those who have stepped out in faith to start this new campus. I will serve as the teaching pastor, and my son, Leighton Forshee, will be the campus pastor.
I am so proud of Leighton and his wife Danielle. They have been working diligently for several months in preparation for the big launch this upcoming Sunday. Here is a picture of them and their sweet 10-week old daughter, Isabella Grace Forshee:
Churches planting churches is the best way we can fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to make disciples of all nations. In our biblical text for today, the church at Antioch sent out their best to go and plant multiple churches throughout the Roman Empire. God blessed the ministry team of Paul and Barnabus as seen in Acts 13-14. They preached Jesus, discipled those who believed, and helped start new churches. It is the best strategy of world evangelization, and it works today.

About 4 years ago, GHBC planted Cornerstone Community Church in Leander, TX. We sent out 34 of our best servant leaders. They have done very well, and we are proud of them. They just recently added 8 new members to their church! They are currently looking for a new pastor, and I know God has the right person to come and lead them.

The North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention has made church planting a priority. I am grateful for the leadership of men like President Kevin Ezell and Vice President Johnny Hunt. These men love Jesus, and their desire is to see North America reached for Christ. Last week, I had the opportunity to speak to a group of pastors who are interested in praying for and supporting new church planters. I will share with you later tomorrow what I shared with them.

Will you take a moment and pray for my son and all church planters? It is wonderful to see so many young men and women of God stepping up and giving their lives to planting new works to reach more people with the glorious grace Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you for praying!

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Podcast of the Week

Troubling & Exciting Times, Pt. 1

Pastor Danny begins a new short series about the difficult yet hopeful times in which we live, examining the parallels between end times prophecies in Scripture and what we are seeing in our world today.

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Chris Williams