Apprehension Silencer

Apprehension Silencer

Are you apprehensive about something? The Bible tells us not only not to
worry, but also how we can put to rest the worries that creep into our minds.

Apprehension Silencer

"So the people shouted when the priests blew the trumpets. And it happened when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat. Then the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city."

(Joshua 6:20)

I received a text message from a close friend last week. He wrote something that spoke powerfully to me and encouraged me. Here is what he wrote: "My apprehension is silenced by praise." He is about to take a trip to Europe that may prove to be dangerous. But instead of worrying or being overcome with fear, he chooses instead to praise God. What a wonderful response! I am praying for him and his mission.

Are you apprehensive about something? Are you worried? The Bible tells us not only how we should not worry, but it also instructs us on how we can put to rest or silence the worries and fears that creep into our minds.

Joshua instructed the nation of Israel on how to win the war against their enemies in Jericho. Now, I must admit, this is quite the unconventional tactic of warfare! Never has this strategy been used except by Joshua and Israel. But you know what? It worked to perfection. When they lifted their voices with shouts of praise, and when they blew the trumpets, the walls came down, and victory was secured for God's people.

The same thing can happen to you today. No, God is not asking you to march around a city, blow a trumpet, and shout out to Him. But He may be asking you to do something very similar in the spiritual realm. How is that? Instead of living in fear and apprehension, take a deep breath, and lift a song of praise to God in the midst of your trying situation. Go on the offensive! Praise God, pray to God, and watch how He will work on your behalf. God hears you. He loves you. Singing His praise when you do not feel like it is spiritually therapeutic. Giving thanks to His name when in pain is what the Bible calls a sacrifice of praise (Hebrews 13:15).

Take a moment and listen to this song entitled Good Grace by Hillsong United:
Lean into these lyrics:
Let the praise go up
As the walls come down.

When apprehensions, fears, and doubts arise in your heart and mind, lift your voice, and sing praise to God. God moves when His people pray and worship.

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Podcast of the Week

The Beatitudes, Pt. 16

Pastor Danny continues his series about the Beatitudes of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount, recorded in Matthew 5-7. In this episode, he concludes his examination of Matthew 5:10-12: "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake..."

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Chris Williams