Weary Traveler

Weary Traveler

Have you grown weary? Are you feeling worn out? It is rather common today
for followers of Jesus to feel this way. Please don't give up. We need you.

Weary Traveler

"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith."

(Galatians 6:9-10)

Have you grown weary? Are you feeling worn out? It is rather common today for followers of Jesus to feel this way. You have the normal pressures of life that everyone else has. But you also battle daily with an adversary who seeks to bring you harm (John 10:10). You try, you give your best, and you come up short. You begin to wonder if you are really making a difference for Christ. Sadly, far too often I see followers of Jesus choose at this point to throw in the towel and get out of the fight. They have grown weary to the point of frustration, and they think they should just tap out and let somebody else fight the good fight of faith.

Please don't. We need you. Get some rest, take some time for spiritual and physical refreshment, and get back in the game. I repeat, we need you. The Church of Jesus Christ needs you, and we are so much better and stronger with you. You may need to do what I have done recently and let some things go. You cannot do everything and fight every battle that comes your way or fight battles that others think you must. You only have to please God. It is not God's will for you to be weary to the point of wanting to quit. Who is behind that? It is not God!

My life changed a couple of years ago when I started taking a day off. Far too long did I work seven days a week. Some may think that is praiseworthy and commend me for working so hard. But God calls it sin. Yes, resting is still one of God's big Ten Commandments. You will have to let some things slide; some will not understand, but trust me, you will begin to see a marked difference in your life, health, marriage, and most of all, your walk with God.

Let me encourage you to sit back and listen to what has become one of my favorite songs: "Weary Traveler" by Jordan St. Cyr. Take a couple of minutes and listen to the song here:
Carry on. Do not quit. You are not finished. Persevere. Some of you need to persevere in the goal of rest. It is okay to rest. It is commanded by God that you rest.

Have a blessed and restful weekend!

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Podcast of the Week

Helping the Destitute and Transforming a
Nation with Christ's Love, with Fred Eppright

Pastor Danny welcomes to the show Fred Eppright of the Baptist Haiti Mission and the IMPACTcares Foundation. Fred shares the story of the Baptist Haiti Mission and how he and his son, Matt, got involved. Fred, Matt, and their partners at the BHM are doing truly powerful, invaluable work. We think you will be blessed to hear about what they are doing and perhaps be interested in partnering with them in their ministry.

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Chris Williams