Christmas Grace

Christmas Grace

My goal in sharing these messages on grace this Christmas season is to give glory to God and bring hope and joy to all who read and listen.

Christmas Grace

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."

(John 1:14)
Christmas grace is the theme for our devotions this week as we place our focus on John 1:14. My goal in writing and sharing these messages this Christmas season is to give glory to God and bring hope and joy to all who read and listen. Also, I want to inspire and bring some happiness, help, and healing to those who are suffering and going through hard times.

It is the most wonderful time of the year for many but certainly not for all. The Holidays can bring back painful reminders of past hurts or loved ones who have passed away. If you are one who is struggling as we approach Christmas, I want to encourage you today. God sees you. He loves you. He will be that friend who sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24). Be on the lookout for God's unexpected, serendipitous blessings that come your way.

I was flying back to Austin last week after enjoying a wonderful couple days with many pastors from across the US at our annual golf fellowship. Before flights, I always try to pray that the Lord would place me next to the person He wants me to meet and share Jesus with if they do not know the Lord. If they know Him, I ask the Lord to use me to encourage that person. I had wonderful conversations with two believers, both sitting in my same row. Tim and Mildred were sweet people who love Jesus and are very bold in their walks with God. They did not know each other before the flight. Tim goes to the University of Texas in Austin and shares Jesus with students there. Mildred is knowledgeable on so many things and gave me the names of a couple of natural supplements I could take to help me with my cough and congestion. (Interestingly enough, the next day, I went to the doctor and then the pharmacy, and it just so happened that this little pharmacy in Liberty Hill, TX, where we live, had both supplements!) You just never know how God is going to show up in your life and give you an extra measure of His grace.

2022 has been a year of both joy and heartaches. For some, the joys have far outweighed the heartaches, but for others, it is the other way around. It has not been a good year for many of you. There have been a variety of hardships for some of you in the form of health, finances, family, job, or other matters. You may be wanting these next three weeks to speed on by so you can turn the page to 2023 in hopes of a better year.

I get it. Whether it is your personal life or events in our nation or world, there is plenty to discourage us and cause us to grow weak and weary. Our world is not unlike the first century world that Jesus entered almost 2,000 years ago. One of the sure signs of the prevalence of evil during the time of Jesus' birth is Matthew 2:16: "Then Herod, when he saw that he was deceived by the wise men, was exceedingly angry; and he sent forth and put to death all the male children who were in Bethlehem and in all its districts, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had determined from the wise men."

Yes, evil abounds in our world but praise God, our Lord Jesus Christ reigns and brings grace and love to all who believe in Him. I look forward to sharing more about the grace of God in our devotions this week.

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Podcast of the Week

Mission Trip to Asia, Pt. 2

Pastor Danny continues to share about his recent 13-day mission trip to 2 different Asian countries (which cannot be named for security reasons, since the emphasis of the trip was ministering to persecuted pastors). He expounds upon what he has shared in his daily devotions, offering additional details, information, and testimonies.

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Chris Williams