Thank You

Thank You

When was the last time you let out a shout of praise to God? As you read Psalm 100, think about all the ways God has blessed you, and praise Him!

Thank You

"Make a joyful shout to the LORD, all you lands!
Serve the LORD with gladness;
Come before His presence with singing.
Know that the LORD, He is God;
It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves;
We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,
And into His courts with praise.
Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.
For the LORD is good;
His mercy is everlasting,
And His truth endures to all generations."

(Psalm 100:1-5)

As you read Psalm 100, think about all the ways God has blessed you. Isn't it amazing how truly blessed you are? As we appreciate others taking the time to simply tell us "thank you," I believe it pleases the heart of God for His children to pause and simply tell Him "thank You" for His multitude of blessings.

As you think about your blessings, or as the old hymn says, "count your many blessings, name them one by one," listen to the following song by Ben Rector. He details some of the blessings of God in His life, both big and little. You can listen to Rector's song, "Thank You", here:
Last week, I read an article in which the author traced seven commands in Psalm 100. I had never really seen that before, so it intrigued me, and I have decided to do what he did, trace the seven commands in Psalm 100 and write a little about each one.

1. Make a joyful shout to the LORD (vs. 1).

When was the last time you let out a shout of praise to God? Perhaps you have shouted at your child or at a driver who cut you off in traffic, or maybe your last shout was at a football game. Isn't it amazing to watch people become most expressive and demonstrative when their football team scores a touchdown? What if we were that way with the Lord? What if we raised our hands and lifted a shout of praise to God out of pure appreciation and worship of Him? I believe it would please the Lord and maybe even inspire and motivate others around you if you were to be so bold and lift a shout of praise to our Most High God.

You may think that command is not for you, but the psalmist would disagree. The last part of verse 1 says, "all you lands." That would include you and your territory too. Try it, whether in public worship or simply in your quiet time alone with God; let out a shout of praise to God. It is okay to do so, in fact God even commands us to do so!

2. Serve the LORD with gladness (vs. 2).

The second commandment in Psalm 100 is to serve the LORD with gladness. The Hebrew word translated "serve" means to work or labor. We are commanded by God to serve Him. To serve the LORD is a privilege. To serve Him means we know Him and have a relationship with Him. When you were younger, you would serve your parents, not only because they told you to, but also because you loved them. You did not serve other parents, especially parents that you did not know. God calls us to serve Him with gladness. Yes, our service to God is not to be mundane, rigid, or out of mere duty; rather, we are to serve Him with a joyful heart, a heart that rejoices as we serve.

Have you noticed that when you are serving the LORD you feel blessed and fulfilled? The reason is, you are doing what you were created and commanded to do!

We will continue through the seven commandments of Psalm 100 tomorrow!

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Podcast of the Week

Mission Trip to Asia, Pt. 1

Pastor Danny shares about his recent 13-day mission trip to 2 different Asian countries (which cannot be named for security reasons, since the emphasis of the trip was ministering to persecuted pastors). He expounds upon what he has shared in his daily devotions, offering additional details, information, and testimonies.

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Chris Williams