Okay, back to our amazing trip to Asia. God was so very good to us to allow us to go and serve Him in the two countries we visited. I will now resume where I left off sharing from my journal entries:
It's 6:00 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 6, the Lord's Day! I'm having my quiet time now, and a rooster is crowing loudly, and you can hear the Islamic chant, as there is a mosque right outside my window. Most in this country are either Muslim or Hindu; there are very few followers of Jesus by comparison. That's why we are here! Jesus is worthy of worship here and everywhere.
It's 8:35 a.m. now, and I realized for the first time that preaching could get me in trouble with the local authorities. Reminds me of the Book of Acts and the secret church all over the world today. Honored to preach and to suffer if necessary. I preached from Matthew 14:22-33, where Jesus walked on the water and Peter got out of the boat and walked on water as well.
It's 9:45 a.m. now. These dear people are packed in a hot church (house), sitting on the floor or standing, worshiping for 30 minutes solid, crying out to God in prayer and praise. The pastor is leading in worship; he does it all; bless him. He breaks out in English, "There is none like You." Everyone is praying now; so powerful; praise Jesus. The pastor just blew the shofar (rams horn). 70% of those here in church are from our people group. Praise God. In 2013, we began reaching out to these people.
What a wonderful two-hour service. After praise and worship, Tom gave his testimony, then I preached, then the local pastor spoke, and they sang more and took up the offering. Afterward we prayed over several who came with requests. Three of the ladies made commitments to be bolder in sharing Christ.
After worship, our group toured a 1,000 year-old temple. Now lunch and back to the hotel.
The best lunch yet! Green chili peppers and chicken, cashew rice, and Pepsi; so tasty. I went to my room and finished planning the Nov. 13 prayer, praise, and Lord's Supper services at GHBC and CCLH. Now back on the road.
As I read back over my journal, I am filled with so much joy. More tomorrow!