Spiritual Growth, Pt. 2

Spiritual Growth, Pt. 2

God loves people, and if we will slow down and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, He will lead us to those who need Jesus.

Spiritual Growth, Pt. 2

"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen."

(2 Peter 3:18)

Jim Putman has written an excellent book on discipleship entitled, The Real-Life Discipleship Training Manual: Equipping Disciples Who Make Disciples. I have taken several men through this book, and many other men and women in our church have also completed it. My wife, Ashley, is currently in a discipleship group of ladies going through this book. One of the best parts of the book is Putman's spiritual wheel. On this wheel, he describes where everyone is in their walk with God. Once a person moves from spiritual death to life, he or she becomes an infant in the Lord, who then grows to a child, and then into a young adult, and finally into a parent. What a joy it is to see and hear about those who have gone from spiritual death to life and who are growing strong in their walk with God.

I read in Jim Cymballa's new book, Fan the Flame, how God worked powerfully in the life of a man named David. One Easter, after Pastor Cymballa had preached, he sat down to rest. He had just completed his third sermon and was exhausted. He said it was then that he noticed a man staring at him. The man was African American and looked to be in his fifties. He was homeless and in a tough way. He had been homeless for two years, and just the night before, he had slept outside the church, lying in his own urine. Jim said the smell was awful, and his first thought was to give the man some money and send him on his way. The man walked toward Jim in church and kept looking at him. Jim offered him a $10 bill, but he refused it and said he did not want any money; rather, he wanted to know this Jesus that Jim had just preached about. Jim said he felt the Holy Spirit impress him that this same smell was that of the world for which Jesus had come to die. Jim spoke with the man further and learned his name was David. Jim led David to the Lord and helped get him in a detox program. David became a regular at the Brooklyn Tabernacle and grew in his relationship with the Lord. Jim found out David was only in his thirties, not fifties. David ended up meeting a lady at church and marrying her. Jim officiated their wedding.

I love stories like this! God loves people, and if we will slow down and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, He will lead us to those who need Jesus. I miss opportunities because I either pre-judge people or simply do not slow my pace and open my eyes to the needs around me. Can you relate?

It is good to be reminded of God's amazing grace, grace that is indeed greater than all our sins, grace that is life-changing, grace that is matchless. Remembering God's grace extended to us, and others, is a wonderful way to grow in grace. We often forget how wonderful God's grace has been and is to us. By reflecting on His grace, we are refreshed and look for ways to extend that grace to others. Now we are talking about growing in grace! Yesterday, I wrote about Alan, who lives in Oklahoma. He shared with me how he looks for opportunities everyday to be a blessing in someone's life. I responded that I really believe that is a prayer that God loves to answer.

Are you growing in the grace of God? A sure sign that you are is that you remember daily what God has done in your life and you look for open doors to share that grace with others.

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Podcast of the Week

The Mountains of North Carolina

Pastor Danny shares about his experiences on his recent trip with Ashley to Ridgecrest, North Carolina, where they spent three days at a conference with dedicated men and women of God who have answered the call to serve the Lord in church planting near military bases across America. Retired General Doug Carver shared at the conference that the most unreached people group in our country is the military. So, planting churches near bases and reaching out with intentionality to soldiers and their families is important and badly needed work. Tune in to hear all about this great ministry work, the conference, and more!

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Chris Williams