I'm So Blessed

I'm So Blessed

I love that even on the best and worst days of our lives, each one of us who is in Christ is a Child of God because of what Christ did for us!

I'm So Blessed

This week's devotions are written by my son, Bryant Forshee, Junior High Pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church.
- Pastor Danny
"But to all who did receive Him, He gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in His name."

(John 1:12, CSB)

I just recently discovered a great song called "I'm So Blessed" by the band Cain. If you have not heard it yet, I would highly recommend it, but WARNING: It is very catchy! (I specifically like this version, the Best Day Remix).
Here are a couple of my favorite lines:
'Cause on my best day, I'm a child of God.
On my worst day, I'm a child of God.
Oh, every day is a good day
And You're the reason why

And when I count the problems that I see
Hope looks all but gone
But when I count the ways You're good to me
You got me counting all day long

I love the proclamations in this song! I love the reminder that even on the best and worst days of our lives, each one of us who is in Christ is a Child of God! This truth reminds me of John 1:12! We have the right to be children of God because of what Jesus has done for us! Some of us need to proclaim the truth of John 1:12 in song form today and be singing, "On my best day, I'm a child of God. On my worst day, I'm a child of God."

I love the second set of lyrics listed above as well because it reminds me of the proclamation from Tuesday: His faithful love endures forever. It is so easy to get wrapped up in the negative, forget all that God has done for us and is doing for us, and forget to praise Him! Let us be people who acknowledge the hard times but remember the truth that we are Children of God and remember the faithfulness of God in the past, present, and what we know will be in the future.

Christian, proclaim over yourself today that you are a child of God!

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Gospel-Centered Marriages

Pastor Danny shares practical tips on how to keep your marriage Gospel-centered and growing stronger every day.

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Chris Williams